Sunday, June 26, 2011

My Grandmother's Potato Salad

Here is the Potato Salad recipe as promised last week. Summer has invaded my life. I am enjoying the hot, sultry days, and the long nights filled with all those night sounds. It is as if the darkness has come alive. The peepers and lightning bugs are fantastic. It reminds me of staying up late, playing in the yard while the adults talked on the porch, cool baths that washed away the heat of the day, and food. Food made early in the morning and set out in the evening, fried chicken, potato salad and fresh sliced tomatoes from the garden. Now I am hungry...

My Grandmother's Potato Salad

2 pounds of Idaho potates, peeled and cut into 1/4-inch pieces.

1 cup mayonaise

2 tablespoons white vinegar

1 1/2 teaspoons coarse salt

1 teaspoon sugar

1/4 teaspoon fresh ground pepper

1 cup celery

1 cup yellow onion, chopped

2 hard boiled eggs, peeled, and chopped

Place potatoes in a 4 quart stockpot, cover with water. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes till potatoes are tender and easy to pierce with a fork. Drain and cool slightly. [I stick mine in a bowl in the refrigerator while I do the next couple of steps.]

Whisk the mayonaise, vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper together in a large mixing bowl. Add the celery and onions. Toss gently. Add the potatoes and eggs. Gently mix and toss the ingredients. Place mixture in serving dish. Chill until ready to serve. Makes 6 servings.

hint - eggs are peeled easily by cooling them down completely in ice water. Crack shells all over then peel in a bowl of cold water.


  1. I love trying different potato salads and this looks great!!!
    I'll let you know how dh likes it, he is an expert!!

  2. This is my family's recipe too! Of course it MUST be Hellman's mayonnaise. We frown on Miracle Whip people! lol

  3. That's the way I make it too! I don't actually measure anything, but the ingredients look the same and so does the photo. I do sprinkle a dash of paprika over the top at serving time to add a bit of color, but I don't recall my mother doing that.


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