Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Artsee Blogger - Call for Artists

This is the letter that went out as an introduction and invitation to Geri Centonze new blog - Artsee Blogger. She has interviews with guest artists, information on artists blogs, all sorts of yummies. In the past week or so she has had over 2500 hits and 200 followers sign up. How wonderful is that!?! The whole idea is just great. I hope you will hop over to Artsee Blogger and check it out. If you are a blogger and an artists let Geri know and she will include you on her site. Pick up her blog button. The fun is just beginning.


  1. Thanks Elizabeth...I appreciate the is amazing what is happening over at artsee blogger...we're at 206 members and 7200 hits in 8 days!

  2. Elizabeth-thanks for your suggestions on the painting. I will give them a try!! Appreciate the suggestions.

  3. I am absolutely THRILLED to see this much-needed site and Geri's successful launch. Am so happy that you joined the party, Elizabeth! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  4. how exciting!!! sounds like a fabulous site!!

  5. Sounds wonderful, a adventure in the good Ole summer time. Hugs, Mary


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.