Saturday, July 23, 2011

Morning Glories


Just opening to the sun
Fully opened, beautiful color

the end and the beginninga single bloom

I have been getting up really early every morning at my son's house. The heat as been something fierce here. The only time to be outside is in the early morning. After my morning walk, along my son's drive is this fence with the most beautiful morning glories. After a week or so they have completely seduced me with their color and form. Some mornings they are literally glowing in the sun. They have such a short bloom cycle. Only for a few hours in the morning are they in full bloom. I hope you enjoy these photographs. Stay cool!


  1. These flowers look almost neon in their bright and beautiful hues.

  2. I love these!!!
    I have been enjoying and posting some of mine!
    They are my favorites, really!!!

  3. I adore morning glories! I think they are so beautiful. They are outlawed some places.

  4. beautiful and glorious!!
    thanks for sharing!!

  5. Ohhhh, Elizabeth! I ADORE morning glories!!! I used to plant them in pots on my deck so I could see them first thing in the morning. They've always amazed me with their color -- seduced is the perfect description!!! These captures are brilliant!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

    PS Moonflowers are amazing too! They're like morning glories, but they only bloom in the evenings!

  6. Thank you for the morning glory photos! My grandmother had a morning glory vine which grew on the post at the end of her clothes line (on the way to the privy, by the way). When we visited, I loved to see it in early morning when the dew clung to its blossoms. Thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  7. I love this story. I can see the clothesline, privy and morning glories in my mind. Stories like these need to be kept alive. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Beautiful photography! The colors are almost electric. Stay cool. Early morning is such a special time of day. Everything is so fresh and starting anew.


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