Friday, September 23, 2011

The Chair - Digital Photograph

This chair reached out and spoke to me yesterday.  I decided to get in an hour or so of antiquing before I met up with the realtor to look at houses. As I drove down the road I spotted this place.  Outside an elderly lady sitting in this chair watching the cars drive by.  I decided to pull in and see what she had for sale. She had quilts, and furniture and this and that from the past hundred years or so.  I do not think she ever threw anything out. 
Looking through her things she followed me around tell me bits and pieces of where she got it or what it was used for.  At first I thought it was lack of trust, then I realized it was loneliness. After I completed my purchase she invited me to a cup of chicory and a chair to sit a spell. When it came time to leave I asked to take a picture of her chair with a promise to return next time I am in town...


    I loved it before I read your post,and i loved it even more after!
    I know you enjoyed yourself..there is just something about the people of the South..their hospitality and graciousness!!!

  2. What a marvelously decrepit chair. Great picture.

  3. You tell the best stories, Elizabeth. xoxo


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