Friday, September 23, 2011

Owl Freebies...

Here are some lovely owls for you. I hope you enjoy them.  One of my sons had a birthday today. So, as a present I am sharing these with you. I personally think they are wonderful birds.  The first one I ever saw was in my neighbor's basement when I was just a child.  It was a screech owl.  For such a tiny owl it made a huge racket.  In our barn on the old farm we use to have an owl.  I would find it's pellets disgarded in strange places. I loved finding it's feathers.  I have a vase full of different feathers I have found.
My favorite owl is the horned owl.  I love the coloring and the ears. It looks so wise to me.  We had a barred owl at the house at the beach. He lived in the pine tree at the end of my driveway overlooking our pool. We became friends after the second year I lived there.  He would come out in the early evening.  I would come out and watch him survey the yards, then after a few pictures he would fly across the yard and in to another pine tree on the edge of the golf course.  Ready for the night hunt. All the years I lived there he only left me one feather. [The month I was moving out. It was like a goodbye present.] Sometimes if we timed it right I would be finishing up my night swim and he had delivered a savory meal to his mate and owlets, then he would fly right over me floating in the pool.  Just a whisper of air currents would let me know he was there.  His wing span was 4 feet or so. The quietest bird I have ever been in contact with.  On hot lazy summer nights I wonder if he flies over the pool and says hello to the new owners.[p.s. remember to double click on images to enlarge]


  1. I also love owls; I loved reading your stories~ I do believe they are wise, too ;D

  2. how wonderful that must have be laying there and having this majestic bird fly over you!
    thanks for the images,i love them!!
    have a happy weekend..and a Happy Natal Anniversary to your son!!!

  3. Just adore the owl pics and appreciate you finding them and sharing. Thank you

  4. What a cool owl story! I can imagine him flying over you in the pool. I don't see a lot of owls around here, but once in awhile I can hear him, late at night, just whooo-ing, all eerie like. I think owls are fascinating.

  5. OH, I love owls.....thank you so much, dear Elizabeth!

    Have a nice weekend.

  6. More good stories...and i needed some owl images just like these! I'm making a quote book for a graduating college senior and she in love with these vintage depictions! thanks! xoxo

  7. Thanks for sharing these beautiful owls with us. I just love them.

  8. Wonderful owls and I loved the story of your owl....I could visualize him flying right over you....and he did leave you feather to remember him by.....awesome.


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