Thursday, September 29, 2011

Digital Photograph for You....

Here is a wall - door for you that I took in a small mill town in North Carolina. It is from one of several mills in this town. Most of the mills are boarded up and starting to fall apart. All the work has been shipped out of the country to China, India, and Mexico, etc. In the larger cities here in North Carolina there was a movement to turn them into Condos and Loft apartments.  That was till 2008 and the Recession began. I used this photograph in the digital collage in the post after this. I love the way you can not decide if this is a door or a wall. I hope you have fun with this one.


  1. I really like this - I'm obsessed with doors and windows. Thank you. penny

  2. oh, Elizabeth..i am delighted you shared this!!! i think i need to use this to "document" someting good about my un-chosen journey!!! a reminder that,even though it's not the path i might have chosen..there is a reason I am on this path!..crap..looked for a fork in the road..there isn't one!!!! LOL xo

  3. I just love this photo! What a wonderfully blank slate to work on. Thank you!

    I used it here and will use it again often, I'm sure.

  4. I love this so much..thank you! Door or a wall? In my Nana and Papa's home in Massachusetts, there was a slanted ceiling in the attic bedroom. Papa loved to tell the story of me asking, "Papa, is that the ceiling or the floor?"
    Thank you for the memory today.


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