Thursday, September 29, 2011

Digital Collage - I am on a Journey

This is pretty much self explanatory. I am on a journey...loving every moment. Are you on a journey?


  1. Fantastic words Elizabeth - they really do speak to me. I am on a journey of discover to find out what my new life holds for me. penny

  2. You must have had a foresight Elizabeth because at the challenge "take a word" the next theme is wall !
    And yes, I'm on journey to. I planned to take a course of photography! Soon as I have bought my SLR :-)
    I'm looking forward to use even more of my own materials in my "freubels" !!!

  3. You are a wonder, Elizabeth! This art is just fabulous and I love your journaling. God bless you on your journey.

  4. You are on a roll, girl. Awesomeness. And you have me more than curious about this journey you are on.... xoxo

  5. Beautiful image. Beautiful journey. Yes, I am on a journey and embracing my journey with all that goes along with it.

  6. this just moved me in a way that i have no words to explain!!!
    am i on a journey..probably,although it's not one of my choosing!!!..if i could choose..i would travel..i would get up when i wanted,sleep when i wanted..create when i wanted...just sit and "be" when i wanted!!
    my "un-chosen journey"..helping raise my 3 grandkids!!..maybe someday,when i'm not so tired. i'll look back on my un-chosen journey and see that I had a good time!!

  7. heart just skipped a beat!

  8. this is me to a tee! Thanks for posting it!


  9. These words really resonate with me. Incorporating the sad stories into the journey and still being able to appreciate outrageous blessings is a challenge for me, but one worth taking on. Thanks for your insight!


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.