Friday, September 30, 2011

Digital Photograph... The Local Broom Shop

Driving down Main Street in the little town one of my son's lives in I spotted this shop.  I was stuck in traffic and decided to park and take a few photographs.  This one was from my car and it is one of my favorites. I love the sign - "Brooms made and sold here." Then there are the brooms hanging in the window. Then.... who can resist the little bird house and the picket fence. This is what main street is all about.


  1. You have such a wonderful eye for capturing the nostalgia of small town America!

  2. What a wonderful photo and how great to know that some things are still made by hand and in the USA!

  3. Gorgeous photograph. I really like what you see. I used to live in Orchard Cottage in Main Street, Northiam in England - all clapboard and picket fences but, I discovered there that I was a towny at heart and headed back to London. What I wouldn't give to live back there now! penny

  4. how delightful!!! this is a town I'd love to see! just seems so warm and inviting!!

  5. Ah, there's nothing like small town America. You find the "bestest" spots!


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