Friday, September 30, 2011

Digital Collage - Embrace Imperfection

Today I decided that I needed to realize that there is good, that there is glory in imperfection. I am imperfect.  There will be something imperfect in the house I select.  My day will be full of imperfections.  The imperfections are what make life interesting.  Those little flaws give life a beautiful patina. They make things unique. I need to embrace them and make them mine.[The collage background is from DJ pettitt and the girl is from Jamie over at art-e-ology. I had so much fun playing with the girl. making the background and the girl become one.]


  1. Fabulous collage! It remonds me of those motivational posters...but with a wonderful twist!

  2. I LOVE this Elizabeth. It is such a fine sentiment, beautifully presented. penny

  3. you really are the Queen of Digital Collage. love this piece!! you have a way with images and phrases that just knocks my socks off!!

  4. Beautifully done, Elizabeth! Everything you say about imperfections is true!


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