Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Girl's Best Friend Freebies...

They are so cute! I love their expressions.

Obviously a pup who is adored. I love her hat.

This is my favorite of this group.

I love this shaggy dog. I had a pup like this growing up but he was black.

Sisters with their sister dogs.

This week I thought I would share these photos of women with their dogs. I stopped at a Thrift Store yesterday and there was the cutest little pup in the car next to me just sending up a ruckus. I decided then to use these as todays freebies.  When I am traveling one of the treats is when I get to stay with people who have animals.  I have several girlfriends who have the sweetest dogs  - yes Lexi and Alex, Winnie and Pooh, Darla and Shugi I mean you.  Several of my kids have pups and I love playing with them while I am there.  They make a house feel like a home.  So, to all of you who care for an animal and make it a part of your family I salute you. How lucky you are.


  1. What adorable photos. There really isn't an animal I don't love, but dogs and horses most of all. The peke in the last photo reminds me of my dear Molly, whom I lost a couple of years ago. What a huge personality for such a tiny girl!

  2. I always love stopping by your blog...very sweet images. thanks for sharing your life and your vision with us!

  3. love the photos!! thanks so much!!
    animals are a part of my home!!there are days when i think..omg,can't go there because there's no one to let the dogs out!! but,on the flip side,they bring so much joy to our lives!! also..Pergo flooring and home alone pads...problem solved if it's a day trip!!


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