Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rainy Days... in the mountains

Rain creates these lovely waterfalls. The noise is incredible.

Another smaller waterfall I found in the forest.

The forest is so beautiful during the rain.  All the colors shine, and the mist is incredible.

I spent most of yesterday in the forest high up in the mountains. I visited the Eastern Continental Divide saw the oldest mountain in the United States - Grandfather Mountain and did a little antiquing. Today I look at more houses. Keep your fingers crossed that I find something.


  1. what a beautiful part of the country you live in!

  2. so beautiful..i can almost hear the water as it cascades down!! there's such a "fragrance" by the no other!
    thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos.
    hope you find your house!!...are you looking for homes close to this beautiful area?

  3. Well, you are truly in God's country and I can think of no more beautiful place to live. I wish you so much luck in your hunt. There seem to be so many choices in this area right now, and you shouldn't have to settle for anything less than perfect.

  4. The most beautiful place in the Eastern U.S. My fingers are crossed and I hope you find the place of your dreams. Have a wonderful week.



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