Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Antique Bottles... Iphone Picture

Saw these sitting in a window of an Antique store this weekend. I loved the way my Hipstamatic camera on my iphone captured them.


  1. Beautiful bottles on their background of blue. penny

  2. Just finished scrolling through all of your posts. OMG, Elizabeth! Your captures make my heart sing!

    I started to leave little comments here and there, but you've posted so many wonderful pictures, I'll be typing compliments all afternoon.

    Just finished editing some of my Portland, ME pics and put them in a slideshow. I took w-a-y too many pics on vacation and haven't had time to go through all of them. It'll give me something to do this winter!!! LOL!

    Love the honey pics - there's something about sunlight "touching honey" that makes me smile! Hugs, Terri xoxox

  3. Lovely photos. Those children are probably old people now if not deceased and you just paid a nice homage to them.


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