Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Brothers and Sisters...Freebies

These look like well loved children. His bow tie is lovely and her lacy dress just beautiful.
Twins? They have that unsaid closeness.
I bet these two had a lot of fun together. He looks like a protector.
Aren't these two just precious!

I love how the little boy is sort of blurry. All movement. While the little girl is so lady like.

I have been remiss about getting my freebies out to ya'll. This week I decided to do brothers and sisters. Yesterday was my brother's birthday.  I thought alot about how the relationship between between brothers and sisters is so special. My brother was a really good brother when we were growing up - except of course when he was tattling on me. Now all grown up and the father of three boys, he is still a great brother, but more important he has turned into a great man.  I am so proud of him. I hope you will take a moment and remember the special men in your lives. Enjoy these freebies.


  1. Elizabeth, this freebies are fabulous, thank you for sharing. Always such fun visiting with you. Have a great day.
    Biggest friendship
    MARTINA oxo

  2. Thanks so much for the adorable freebies Elizabeth!! Have a great day.


  3. Oh, thank you for these precious images! My little brother's birthday is on Halloween, and he is definitely the "figitty" boy on the tricycle. Thanks for the perfect inspiration and element. Your words about your own brother are touching, and I sure hope he sees your post.

    Hoping you find a wonderfully perfect house in the mountains, and may all your doorknobs be glass!

  4. thank you so much for these precious images!!
    i didn't have a brother..i think it would have been nice!


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