Saturday, October 8, 2011

Digital Photographs - Up in the Mountains...

I have been up in the mountains most of the week looking at houses.  When not looking at houses I have been enjoying the mountain roads. The leaves have started putting on their colors.  The higher elevations have the most color right now. Every morning I get up and it is a new world.  A deeper orange, more red, and  who knew there were so many yellows?  The air is crisp and clear.  Everyone walks with a bit more purpose in their step. Strangers talking to strangers about how nice the weather is. Everyone enjoying the last few weeks of falls.


  1. I guess we are neighbors as I live in Eastern Tennessee, a little drive though from Coastal N.C.
    Leaves are turning like crazy but wish there were more red. Lots of golds and yellows with tinges of red. Not enough red maple trees I guess. Have a great fall season neighbor.

  2. We set out yesterday to do a little leaf peeping, too. We were certainly not disappointed. Drove to Lake Lure, Chimney Rock, Bat Cave, Hendersonville then back down through Saluda and Tryon. The Blue Ridge Mts. are magnificent. I do SO love your photos!

  3. Wish I could hide out in your car. I LOVE meandering back roads in autumn!


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