Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Digital Photograph...The Beach

I am still grooving at the beach. It was a wonderful, relaxing weekend.  My spirit has been renourished. Hope everyone had a great weekend. I will be back to blogging in a day or so. I am traveling again.


  1. Ohhhh, Elizabeth! Your picture of the shore is so very similar to one that I posted on Facebook today!!! Great minds!!! Enjoy your time at the shore .. . I know how much you love the ocean, as do I. I always feel "cleansed and refreshed" after standing on the shore feeling the salt air and hearing the waves caressing the shore. So very Zen!!! Reminds me of how very small we are.

    Had a super vacation, complete with a lobster dinner in ME on my B'day. Thank you, Dear Friend, for your B'day wishes!!! Take lots of pictures too!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. how beautiful!! how you must be enjoying yourself!! i love the little bird(seagull ?) standing there. i can hear the waves and smell the salt air!! oh,thanks for sharing this photo!!! hugs!

  3. You lucky duck! My favorite place in the whole world is the beach! It can unwind my inner clock better than anything! Beautiful picture!


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