Friday, October 14, 2011

Digital Photograph...The Stick Barn

I found this old barn outside of Asheville North Carolina. It once stood proud. Today it is slowly becoming a skeleton of it's former self. I could not believe it when I first saw it. They used such thin boards to put this barn together. I have never seen anything like it before.


  1. It's amazing to see this skeletal construction. It almost looks as if a child decided to build a house and put it together with sticks and glue!

  2. It looks like a good stiff wind would bring it down. Love the pictures, you are an awesome artist with a camera.

  3. Going to Asheville on the 24th so I may just look for that barn.

  4. It is a wonder that it is still standing. I think it is really beautiful. You can see how it was built. Happy fall, Mary

  5. Wow, DO I love this old barn?? You bet I do!!!! Fabulous!

  6. still standing proud..this old barn!!..may not be much left,but it's not going down without a fight!!! imagine how awesome it was in it's full glory!!


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