Monday, November 14, 2011

Digital Photograph - A Rainy Morning...

I am in the mountains after a lovely week at the beach.  It is warm and rainy this morning.  I woke before daylight and went out and took some pictures. I found this little barn sitting proud on a hillside over looking a creek.  Hoping you all have a great week.


  1. What a wonderful scene! Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love this image sooooo much. And the fence, it's absolutely wonderful!!! I love your blog!
    And thank you always for any freebies that you post for us!

  3. Hi Elizabeth,

    I so love this texture photo! In fact, I am a big fan of all your creations -- your blog is such an inspiration.

    How are you doing? After your fall you have been in my thoughts ever so often. It's good to hear that you are back to taking long walks and enjoying yourself. Be sure to take good care of yourself, okay?

    If you ever consider signing up at We Love Digital Art again, I would be happy to welcome you back. It would have been cool to post one of your creations for the Advent calendar in December.

    Happy creating,

  4. So beautiful, you are so good!!!!


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