Monday, November 14, 2011

Freebies - Evelyn Nesbit

This week I thought I would share with you these fabulous photographs of Evelyn Nesbit.  She was a model, actress, and femme fatale.  A brief history... Evelyn was a beautiful child. At fourteen she found herself in New York City modeling for several painters and photographers, supporting her mother and brother. Several older men fell in love with her. It was quite a scandal when her husband killed one of her supporters and possible lover. Several books and plays have been written about the affair. She is thought to be the model for the Gibson Girl. Her hourglass figure, red hair, were quite the thing. I have found her life to be so tragic. So much beauty and so much darkness.


  1. She is so amazing... Stunningly beautiful! Thank you so much for these wonderful pictures!!!

    Mandel :)

  2. quite a gypsy girl...yes, I can certainly see the Gibson Girl resemblance! just lovely...and apparently scandals are nothing new, though I could do without the lurid details that the media insist on including these days...thanks for the beautiful images

  3. Isn't she beautiful! Thanks for introducing her to me!!

  4. She is very beautiful!
    Dear Elizabeth, thank you for the wonderful freebies and for information about Evelyn Nesbit!

  5. What a great art history lesson I've received here today! I certainly did not know any of that and I thank you for the great info! Beautiful images.

  6. She is indeed a lovely creature and I thank you for the images. Hope you are well, xoxo

  7. She is stunning, so beautiful isn't she? Love the pictures!

  8. so much like the celebrities of today. It seems that glamour and normalcy cannot co-exist and is a formula for tragedy.


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