Thursday, December 1, 2011

Three Hour Stew

This is one of the recipes my mother and I tried this week. It was nice after all that turkey.I just want to say it is so easy and tastes fantastic.  My mother is pure southern so she loved it on rice.  I just loved it, on rice or with out.  Serve with some yeasty rolls [you need something to wipe the bowl clean with and still appear to be a lady]. 

3 Hour Stew

2 pounds of beef cubes
1 pound of carrots cut in wedges/hunks
2 to 3 large onions cut in wedges
2 to 3 Yukon Gold potatoes cut in pieces [optional]
1 can Tomato soup
1 can water
2 bay leaves
dash or two of worcestershire sauce

Place ingredients in a large casserole dish.
Place carrots, beef, potatoes, onions in that order.
Cover and bake in a 325 degree oven for 3 hours.

Serve over rice or just in a bowl. Enjoy!


  1. Love Stew recipes. Have you ever tried Cider Stew? Thanks for the receipe, will try it.

  2. I have never tried or heard of Cider Stew. I would love to try the recipe if you want to share it. I love stews and soups during the cold winter months.

  3. Definitely gonna try this. Something I can put together before work and eat when I get home!

    Thanks Elizabeth!

  4. this is right up my alley!!!
    looks wonderful!!
    i can smell it from here
    thanks soooooooo much!!

  5. You made me giggle about wiping the bowl. But Honey, bagged white bread'll do the trip as well (it is technically a yeast bread, winkwink). I'm so lazy... xoxo

  6. I'm having your stew for dinner looks wonderful and I can't wait to give it a try! Thanks for the recipe! Elizabeth, I hope you enjoy your new home in the mountains - hard to believe you are leaving the coast but I do hope you will be happy! Diann

  7. Elizabeth...I fixed your stew and it was wonderful...the best I've fixed in fact! What a great meal after Church today - your stew and cornbread! Thanks so much! Diann


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