Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Already?

It is hard to believe it is December already. Another year almost gone. December seems to fly by with all the little things to do, people to see, and little parties to go to. Shopping to attend to, then presents to wrap, decorating the house, etc... Makes me tired just thinking about it. Then, when everything gets is time for a New Year.

This past week I have enjoyed being home with my parents. Spending time with them is the best present I know of.  My mother and I have watched movies and TV shows we enjoy together.  We have tried several new recipes, and spent alot of time talking and laughing in the kitchen. My poor Dad is feeling stuffed from all the food. It has been great. I hate leaving, but I must.

This weekend I leave for the mountains. I close on my new house next week. It seems a bit scary that I am going to have an actual place to call all mine after all this time. This is the first home I have bought thinking about just me - not because it is close to a job, or it has certain schools near by, or it is kid friendly.  It is just light and airy, with a place for friends and family. It makes me feel good when I drive up  and even better when I walk in.  The kitchen needs work, but it is large, lots and lots of storage, my own library for all those books. 

I look forward to living in the mountains. The mountains change everyday. Thought I would share this wonderful truck I pass when I am going up the mountain.  Someone has collected a lot of old cars, this truck and some antique farm equipment.  It is always a pleasure to pass by. Love that rust - the patina. There is a story somewhere in there.


  1. This truck photo is just fabulous!! So exciting that you will be in your house soon!

  2. time with parents is a treasure..i miss mine so much,but i sure do have many wonderful memories of time spent together!!
    what a great old truck..where has it been?who rode in it? ..a story there!
    so happy you found your nest!!!

  3. Woo hoo! I am so excited for your closing, and even more so for the opening of a new chapter in your life. The mountains are so inspirational and comforting. Sweet home to you, Elizabeth! Thanks so much for always sharing.

  4. Woo Hoo! I am so excited for the closing of your new abode. The mountains are so inspirational and comforting. Thanks for taking me along through your blog...I am anxious to see what this new chapter of your life holds for you. Welcome Home, Elizabeth!

  5. I am so happy for you that you have found the house you wanted. I look forward to seeing all the pictures. Take it easy and don't get stressed by all the pre-Christmas stuff!

  6. What wonderful news for you. It will be absolutely wonderful for you to decorate as you choose and not need to consult with anyone.

  7. Great, great pictures of the vintage homes and the truck! I love them!

  8. This truck seems like it could be a match for my red firetruck that you saw in my blog. Love the old homes, better years I think for families then.

  9. it sounds like a wonderful place.....what a change!


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