Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Flash and Shine...

I have been polishing away. The wine glasses to the left were a gift for my 25th birthday. Note the birds.

These are my boys baby cups. The silver champagnes are from my weddings.

This is one of my grandmother's tea sets that I inherited. The blue vase is a Tiffany. My favorite vase is the green depression glass vase of my grandmother's. Note the birds.

The etched wines were my grandmother's. Here are lots of just things I love. Note the birds.

Here is the tea set my mother carried back on her lap from China for me. I love it. I am a big tea drinker so this meant so much to me. Note the birds.

I thought I would share one of the shiny part of my new home with you. This is my china cabinet in the dining room. I have been spending days polishing and cleaning. It feels so good to have these familiar objects out and about to see.
The birds I keep noting are from Victorian times. Once upon a time a bought an antique box of tea inside was one of these birds. From then on I was hooked. I have been collecting them for years. I guess the Chinese put them in the boxes of tea as give aways. Sort of like the prizes in Cracker Jacks or cereal boxes. Victorian women would collect them. The most rare are the animal ones. The birds were fairly common. I like birds so birds are good for me. However, I do have several animals. I love them all.
Thought I would share these with you! Hope you enjoy!
p.s. the original post of this and the comments were deleted. I do not know if I did this or blogger. This is my best reconstruction.

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