Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Freebies

Two sweet little ones with bows in their hair. I love Mom's glasses.

Love the babies dress. So much work. I am always amazed that these women are able to keep their hair in place. My would be falling everywhere. No amount of bobby pins ever keeps it in place.

Look in those Mother's eyes and see love. I love this picture of three generations of women.

This is a very proud and happy Momma. Beautiful child. I am thinking it is a little boy because of the way they have parted his hair. I love how they use to let little boys grow their hair and have curls.

This Mama definitely has her hands full. That older one with the bow looks like he is full of mischief.  Such a sweet smile.

Here is a styling Mom and her son. He has the cutes little shoes on and I love her pearls with the pendant on them. The big sleeves on her jacket. A lot of thought and love went into this picture.

This is wonderful. Mom certainly can say the apple does not fall far from the tree with these two. They are adorable. I love how the photographer did the halo effect around the mother. I can not even imagine how much wash this poor woman has to do. All by hand also. I do not think they had washing machines then. If they did they were not like the ones we are lucky enough to have.

I am late getting my freebies out. And I am late wishing all you Mom's, Mama's, Mother's,Nana's,Mimi's and Grandmother's a Happy Mother's Day. I spent the day relaxing and catching up with two of my boy's. A lovely dinner with them and we actually moved a few boxes and went through a few others. A nice phone call with two others of my boys and a beautiful text from my son across the ocean.We usually talk the day after the holiday or special day so he can work for whomever has family in town.]That makes five sons if anyone is counting. All and all it was a wonderful day. Oh yes I must mention that I love my cards.I hope you all had a wonderful day with your children, with your mother or grandmother, someone who is special in your life. Today was a day  for remembering all the good times and those special moments you share with those you love. I have been blessed with a wonderful grandmother who loved me to death, an incredible mother who still teaches me how to mother and to be a woman I can be proud of, and sweet boys who have taught me more about life, myself, and given me more joy than I ever thought possible. Sweet blessings! Hope your day was full of


  1. I love these old photographs, to capture the flavor of that era, to see the old fashions and hairdo's, and to see the facial expressions. These ladies seem from another world compared to my modern day life. I'm a T-shirt & shorts grandma, a far cry from these ladies from yesteryear. I hope all you moms and grandmom's had a warm fuzzy mothers day, with lots of hugs and a card.
    My card had tiny orange hands printed on the front which were supposed to be flowers on top of a flower pot.
    Got a little Tracfone SVC for seniors like me, with big keys & letters on the screen so I don't have to use my glasses.
    I love your story about your swans, too beautiful. There is a pond near me with geese and ducks and various water birds, it's so rewarding sitting with them in the mornings and late afternoons. They love fresh bread, which I feed them every other day as they get their corn, sorgum & sunflower seeds every morning.

  2. a very Happy Belated Mother's Day to you!


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