Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Found Treasure - Lace


Found lace is always exciting. I have
several old sewing baskets I have collected
through the years. I fill them with odds an
ends of sewing supplies I find along the
way. I rediscovered a few over the New Year.
They got me thinking about how just small things can be so beautiful. A piece of lace, an old ribbon. How limiting we can be.

I have decided not to have resolutions this year. Instead I am going to set a series of goals for myself. I am going to enjoy the small, simple things in my life. I am going to concentrate on the Good. The small gratitude's in life that I have. I welcome the good, the positive in my life and this world.
I hope you will join me.


  1. Happy 2013 Elizabeth, may it bring you all that you wish for!


  2. Love your positive approach to 2013,Elizabeth. May all your wishes and goals come to fruition.xx

  3. Pretty lace. Small goals are perfect and attainable. I make a list every morning of the things I'd like to get done that day. Helps me to be able to look at the list with items crossed off at the end of the day. Knowing that I actually accomplished many things, even on days that
    I feel like I'm spinning my wheels.


Your comments are very much appreciated. I look forward to them. I try to answer any questions and reply to comments as quickly as possible. Please feel free to leave me your email so I can do so.