Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Digital Photograph - The Hay Barn

The Hay Barn

I spent a lot of December on the road. The best trip was going to visit family for Christmas. My family is in Virginia. I decided to go through the Shenandoah Valley there. I always love the Blue Ridge Mountains in the background. It is beautiful farm and wine country. There are also lots of caves if you enjoy that sort of thing. I always try to make time to get off the main road and hit the backroads. It makes for a more relaxing trip. I spotted this barn and a lovely revolutionary farmhouse on one of those side trips. I grunged the photograph up a bit. It just seemed right. Looking forward to a New Year and lots of opportunities to take more photographs in my beloved South. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this photograph. I really stopped me in my tracks!


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