Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Bird Print Freebies


Some beautiful Italian Bird Prints for
you. Over the holidays I finally was
able to move my last storage unit. After
four years I finally have all of my
"stuff" under one roof. Quite a feat.
I do not have it all unpacked but it is
here and that is what matters. I did
not want to start out the New Year in a bunch of different places.

One of the nice things about unpacking
and going through all this "stuff" is
that I am finding all sorts of treasures.
Many things have been stuck here and
there. Some of the things I have forgotten
or they have taken on a new life here.

These freebies are one of the things
I had forgotten about. I have quite a
few bird prints. Birds make me happy.
These Italian prints were done for or by
an Italian by the name of Giovanni
Manetti. He was a statesman around 1547.
I bought these in college in a used
book store in Chicago on a trip there. They were in a book type portfolio. I hope you
enjoy them. I love their simplicity.


  1. thanks Elizabeth! Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks so much Elizabeth..these prints are really marvelous! What treasures! I'm happy for you that you now have everything under one roof..big accomplishment!!! Wishing you a healthy and happy 2013!


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