Families. Families come in all shapes and
sizes. Families with both Mom and Dad.
Families with Fathers and Mothers, sisters
and brothers. Families with all boys or
all girls, families with just mothers or
just fathers. We do not pick these families
they are given to us. Families are a gift.
In hard times we turn to family, in good
times we turn to families. Celebrate your
I know that all families are not like my family.
However, I like to think that most families
are happy, loving, and take care of each other.
When our families don't I like to think that
we make new families with our friends
and the people we love.
Families are complicated. Very Complicated.
We all need a family to love us and support
us in the things we do. I have found that I
am blessed with the people in my family.
Please take a moment to appreciate
and tell those who make up your
family that you love them.