Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Bathing Beauty Freebies

She is so dressed up for the beach

So glad we do not have to dress like this anymore.

This is quite the outfit. Love the matching shoes.

Looks like she caught a wave!

Stockings and shoes, she must have gotten so hot, and the sand caught in those stockings, I shudder just thinking about it.

This week I thought a few bathing beauties were in order. I am so glad that we do not have to wear these bathing suits any more. I am not sure what was up with those shoes or are they boots? They remind me of what boxers wear on their feet now. They look most uncomfortable. I am so glad we get to wear sandals and go barefoot. I love the feeling of the sand on my feet and walking along the shore. We have come a long way baby!


  1. Thank you, Elizabeth! They girls are wonderful. I especially love the first picture.

  2. Love the bathing beauties and those striped shoes.

  3. All of your posts are just so always! The bathing beauties are precious and hysterically funny. The natural photos and "rain" theme are so apropos for all of us, no matter where we live. What an odd summer. Thanks for being here every time I stop by. You never fail to make me laugh, make me smile, make me make me FEEL.

  4. I get hot just looking at them.

  5. love these photos!!!
    i have been so behind on blogs..i am so sorry!!!
    Happy Natal Anniversary!!!!!!

  6. I almot missed these beauies, thank you!!!


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