Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Digitsl Photograph - Swollen Creek

A swollen creek filled with debris

Rain Rain Rain. It has rained almost everyday here for weeks. Some days we wake up to rain other days it rains 
on and off, then it might start in the evening and rain through the night. We have had flood watches almost everyday along with warnings of landslides in some 
mountain areas. 

The good news is that everything is growing like mad. The weather has been cool. I have gotten a lot of reading done. I like to read and cook on rainy days. They seem to go together.

Last Sunday I went exploring in between rain showers and thunderstorms. The river is huge. The little lake near me is all stirred up and the water is brown. The creeks are swollen and full of debris. The photograph above is a little creek by the house. It is usually about five feet across. Now it is closer to twenty feet or more. Quite scary.

I keep telling myself to just enjoy it. Enjoy the rain. Soon enough it will be gone. Then everyone will be scratching their heads, looking up to the sky and 
wondering when we will be getting some rain...


  1. So green! It does get scary when streams swell up like that!

  2. i like the way you wrote it .and your blog is beautiful with positive words. i like it.
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