Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Winter Trees

Just a little something I worked on early this morning. I took a walk around one of the lakes in the neighborhood very early. I found these wonderful trees. The little nest was so sweet. Sort of fits my mood. Always sad to see a year go by, yet excited over what the new year could bring.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Freebies - New Year's Greetings

Some antique New year's postcards for your artwork. I love the shamrocks and horseshoes, the little new year good luck charms. I am hoping 2009 is lucky for all of us.

Friday, December 26, 2008

More Journal Page Backgrounds

Background paper done with card stock painted with acrylic paint. Then I tore up the wax paper on my work table that was covered in paint into strips and glued on with gel gloss medium.

Background paper is card stock painted with acrylic paint and chalk ink. Then. scrap paper applied with gel medium and stamped. The stamp is from I Brake for Stamps.

Card stock painted with acrylic paint in several shades. Then I applied paper towels, scrap paper and images. I used sharpie paint pens to do the dots.

Quote - Family

"In every conceivable manner, the family is the link to our past, the bridge to our future."
Alex Haley

Back grounds for My Soul Journal

These are just some of the background papers I am making for my Soul Journal. I find that every time I do a project I am going to use some of the paint or ink to make a background sheet. This has been a lot of fun. With the hustle and bustle of the Holidays it can be hard to concentrate on any one thing for very long. Making these backgrounds has been a creative release. Just lay down some card stock, watercolor paper, canvas paper and let the paint and or ink fly.. You will feel really good when you are finished.

Leftover acrylic paint and ink applied with various tools to card stock.

Acrylic paint on cardstock. Applied with credit card.

Acrylic paint on bristol board, applied with five inch bristle brush.

Dictionary text glued to cardstock. Then acrylic paint applied with foam brush over punchilla - sequin waste. Layers and layers of paint applied over a period of time. Build up layers slowly.

Sprayed inks on dry water color paper.

Acrylic paint an ink applied with credit card, punchilla waste, and foam brush.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Winter Walk - Keeping up with the Big Guys

This was my first real walk since September when I broke my foot. I was able to wear a real pair of shoes and leave my air cast boot in the car. Of course I shared it with three of my favorite people. You can't let 71 degree weather in December go to waste. A good time was had by all.

Busy Busy Busy

This has been a hectic week. Little ones do that to you. This is my little holiday angel. She is so sweet and smart. Daddy is giving her kisses. Check out the four teeth, lots of drool, but no fussing. I wonder what she will be getting under her tree?

Happy Chanukah

Tonight at sunset the Festival of Lights begins - Chanukah. Wishing all happiness, health, and time to spend with family. [the photo is of a private home in Jerusalem]

Quote - Winter

"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for talk beside the fire: it is the time for home."
Edith Sitwell

Winter Solstice

Today is the Winter Solstice. The shortest day of the year. I found this picture from the Getty news service of a young fairy in the UK celebrating at Stonehenge. I love it. Every one stay warm and enjoy the short days....Longer days are on the way.

Freebies #13 - Alphabets Part Two

As promised, another group of alphabets to inspire you. I also included some numbers. It is hard to date things without some numbers. I hope these will come in handy.

Salmon - Spinach - Jack Cheese Pie

What to cook before or after that big Holiday meal? This recipe is from one of our local chefs. It makes a great brunch entree. It is delicious. So thank you Keith Rhodes.

1 pound cooked salmon filet [boiled, baked, poached or grilled]
1 pound drained frozen spinach
1 pound Monterey Jack cheese, shredded
2 10 inch pie crusts
4 cups heavy cream
6 eggs
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon white pepper
pinch of nutmeg

With a fork, prick the base and sides of pie crusts. Mix the cream and the eggs with the salt, pepper and nutmeg. Put 1/2 pound of the spinach and 1/2 pound of the salmon in each pie shell. Pour 1/2 of the egg mixture into each pie shell, filling them to 3/4 full. Sprinkle the cheese on both pies. Bake at 375 degrees for 35-40 minutes.

Sweet Potato Muffins

A little something to go along with the Salmon- Spinach pie. These are really tasty. I like to use the leftover sweet potatoes for this. This recipe makes twenty four muffins.

1 3/4 cups sifted all-purpose flour
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup granulated sugar
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs
4 tablespoons melted butter
3/4 cup milk
1 cup cooked and mashed sweet potatoes

Sift together in large bowl flour, salt, sugar, and baking powder. In a separate bowl mix the eggs, butter, milk, and sweet potatoes. Gently mix the wet and dry ingredients. Minimal mixing is best. Fill greased muffin tins 2/3 full with muffin batter and bake at 350 degrees for 20 to 30 minutes. Eat warm.

Small Altered Composition Books

These are those small composition books that you can pick up at one of the Dollar Stores for twenty nine cents or four for a dollar. When I see them I usually pick up a bunch. They are so much fun to alter and you can use scraps or leftovers from other projects to create little books to keep in your car or purse.

I always make some to put next to my bed and all the comfortable chairs I like to read in. That way when I need to make a list or have an idea I can jot them down in these little books. They are way cheaper than moleskins and they are really just" list" books for me. To fancy them up I use a gold krylon pen to edge the pages. Just hold the book closed tightly and run the krylon pen along the edges. It gives the book a nice finished look.

The top two books I used some more of that teak wood from my house as a raised panel on each book. I like the dimension it gives the book. The third book has a metal top from a Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls icing container. I stuck in my outdoor fireplace when I was burning and got that lovely patina. If you have a fireplace or chiminea then take advantage of it.

Place the metal in the bottom of your fireplace or chiminea, surrounded by ashes and burn your logs, papers, etc.. After everything has cooled you can pull out your metal pieces. They will have lovely patina to them. I like this technique more than rusting for certain projects.

So these three books will be the new "lists" an "idea" books for 2009. I am really looking forward to filling them up with fabulous new things to do and places to go ....

Two Composition Books with Ribbon Ties

These are two older composition books. Again made with scraps and bits and pieces. Very simple but they are handy. These have ribbon ties. To do this you need to flip the book over after you have completed the back cover. Mark the middle of the book and place two eyelets about and inch apart from the middle. Then run your ribbon through the eyelets and bring to the front and tie. Ta Da!
p.s. the girl on the right is me in a local play "Oklahoma".

Take a Moment to Relax

A southern porch

Don't forget during this busy Holiday season to take some time to relax. We Southerner's do it very well. I am going to let you in on a little secret... that is the real reason we have porches everywhere we can fit them on our houses. I saw this porch downtown and thought it looked so bright and cheery. The red lined windows and green shutters, a green chair to watch the world go by. So I give you all permission to take some time to sit on your porch and watch the world go by.

Santa Freebies

Just a few Santa images for you. I have a large collection of Santa's. He makes me smile. Who can't love the idea of a large man giving toys and candy to deserving children? The brown Santa is my favorite.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I am Making Jewelry

A pin

A necklace

I decide to take some of that Teak wood I made the muses with, cut them down and make jewelry with. These are my first two pieces. One is a pin, I also added a loop on the back so it could be a necklace. I actually thought it would make a great handbag pin. The little house dangly I got in a trade or swap from Belinda Spiwak. The second is a necklace and I am wearing it today. I never wear anything but earrings so for me this is a biggy. The images are from Paper Whimsey.

Freebies - Christmas Cards

These are Christmas cards given to me by my grandmother when I was in college. She wanted to make sure I sent out cards. They were old when she sent them to me, some of her stash I am sure. Any way I ran across them the other day and thought you might be able to use them in your Christmas or Holiday art.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Two Wild and Crazy Girls

Two wild and crazy girls


Gert, her nose isn't wrinkled in real life.

This afternoon I had so much to do, but didn't feel like doing any of it. Ever get that way? It was warm and cozy in my sewing room so I decided to give it a straighten and clean. I have one more sewing commitment for this year and decided I should get ready for that.

All these lovely bright scraps were left over from my orange quiltie squares. Hmmm... what to do, what to do? I decided a few snippet dolls were in order. These two lovely ladies just sort of sewed them selves. I used the left over yo yo's I had made as flowers in the quilt to give the smaller one a flapper type hat, and to decorate their dresses. I love their bright colors! I think one might be going to Connecticut to brighten a friends Studio. She was so generous to make a lovely doll to brighten my life when I broke my foot.