Sunday, August 29, 2010

August Magazine Cover Freebies - Finally

Thought I would start out with my favorite for this month. Ah, where did this month go? I love the whimsy of this one. I think summer and vacations should be full of wonder.

Look closely at this one. She has this long sleeve coat? dress? [I am sure the judges from Project Runway would have something to say about this... ] in the middle of August and she is renting a swimsuit. Ugh! Go buy your own, get out of that outfit and enjoy a good read at the beach! Summer is almost over.

This looks like August in California to me. Unfortunately, it also means the start of the wildfire season. I love the simplicity of this one.

I can not imagine going to the beach so covered up. Here at the beach I do see many people I wish would cover up more... but the long dress and the long sleeves seem so uncomfortable. I would have heat stroke in no time.

I thought I would post these as my first freebies since getting out of the hospital and rehab. It feels so good to be home! I still am not able to go up the stairs to my studio, sewing room, and computer. However, a friend moved my external hard drive with some of my images on it downstairs for me this weekend. I now have a laptop downstairs so that I can catch up on my email, groups, and can finally post on my blog. I miss you all! and I hope you enjoy these freebies.


  1. So good to see you getting back into it :-))) You have been sorely missed darling!!

  2. I am so happy to read your note and see that you are back home again Elizabeth. All in good time, I'm sure, you will regain your physical health and be able to do the things you want and need to do. Thank you so much for sharing so freely with the arties of the world!! Blessings be upon you dear lady!

    take care of yourself and continue to get BETTER!
    And, thanks for the freebies!!!

  4. Nice to see you back...I hope you heal and recover fast!! We've missed you.

  5. I am so glad to hear that you are home. I have thought about you everyday and when I get a pain from to much yard work I tell myself don't complain look what Elizabeth is going through. I hope you have mended well. Take care and don't rush anything.

  6. I've been so concerned about you! I am glad that you are back home and you seem to be in good spirits! Thank you for the lovely freebies! Here's wishing you a speedy recovery and less pain each day!

  7. Thank you so much for the freebies, especially the whimsey one, it was just what I needed for a project I'm working on. Wishing you a speedy recovery, love Sharon x

  8. Elizabeth--I am so glad you are back!! All of us in blogland have been worried about you!! So happy you are home--I'm sure you are too.
    Love the fairy magazine cover!!

  9. Been thinking about you and hoping you were doing ok. Glad to hear you are home and are on the mend. Hope you have a speedy recovery and welcome back to blogland!!


  10. Well . . . just look at you! Back to posting wonderful Freebies already! Thank you for your generosity, Elizabeth, but just take it nice and slow. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  11. Oh Glory! you're back!
    take it slow...and easy
    we want you to heal all the way
    but so glad to see you are back blogging

  12. It's great to have you back, Elizabeth. It's been a LONG haul for you & it's so nice to hear you're doing better. Big hugs, Diane

  13. YOU, my friend were missed. I am glad you are doing well and back on your computer and back to your art. I've been sending healing thoughts in your direction. :)Bea


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