Sunday, December 4, 2011

Freebies - Vintage Houses

This House reminds me of my Grandmother's house.

This house reminds me of my father's grandmother's house.

What a big bike! Love the pup!

This guy looks pretty proud of his home, family and horses.

This house looks like it was dropped in the middle of a cornfield. Love the small fence around the foundation.

This week I thought I would do some Vintage Houses for your freebies. I have house stuff on the brain. I spent most of last week signing and faxing documents to get ready for closing this week. I have been arranging moving dates, placing furniture in my mind, and getting all the utilies turned on. While trying to spend some quaility time with my Mother and Father, brother and nephews. Whew! I can not believe Christmas is three weeks away. I hope everyone enjoys these!


  1. I just love these old houses with their wonderful porches!

  2. wonderful old photos!
    they remind me of the old homes my relatives lived in in Ga..with the porches..esp. screened!!
    these homes had such personality..not at all like the tract homes we see now..
    thanks for sharing these lovely photos!!
    So much to get ready for your new sweet to take the time to share these photos!

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  5. thanks for the lovely images. It is a pleasure filled journey 'following' you!
    How wonderful to soon be 'at home' and mentally arranging furniture. Blessings on your new home. I'm sure it will be as memorable as the above photos.

  6. It's about time I tell you how much I enjoy your blog. There is always such a variety of things you
    are excited about and I appreciate and envy the joy you find in life.

  7. These are just great! Thank you so much for sharing. I hope the excitement of your new home never wears off, and will sustain you through these busy weeks ahead. GOOD FOR YOU!!

  8. This house is amazing....I am sure that the black lady is working for the family and maybe the child infront of the window. It almost tells a story. Not really knowing the year this was taken, she could be a house slave...she is tall, and I would love to know the story!
    Hugs, Mary

  9. Hi Elizabeth!
    I haven't been by for a while - my blogging brain seemed to have taken a vacation. So, I am just learning from reading this that you are moving! Congratulations! And thanks too for these house photos! They really do tell a story. The Grandma house (first) is just like my Grandma's house too. Happy moving (is that possible?) and happy holidays too! I'll go now to see if I can find more info on your news!


  10. I LOVE all these houses but the one pic with the bike and the other house with the white picket fence are simply LOVELY !!!!! I can almost smell the fresh apple pie cooling on the window sill and the vegetable soup on the stove...


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