Saturday, December 17, 2011

Some Very Sad News...My Hero is Gone

On December 6th I closed on my lovely mountain house.  I went to call my Mom and Dad to share my joy and there was no answer.  I called my brother, knowing instantly something was wrong.  My brother was at the hospital with Mom and Dad.  It seems my father had fallen that morning.  He was in terrible pain so they got him to the hospital.  They were doing tests.  My sister had already scheduled a visit and was flying in that afternoon. It was time for me to clear up a few things and head East.

I arrived a few days later.  Daddy was diagnosed with Cancer. It was everywhere but the pain was coming from his spine. It was now time to keep him pain free and comfortable. At 91 this World War II fighter pilot, prisoner of war, lawyer, father, friend, singer, gardener, most wonderful husband, this man of God, was leaving us. The last week the world has stood still while we gathered to say our goodbyes and our thank you's to him.

Daddy died December 14th with his loving wife and children surrounding him.  We are now celebrating his life and all of the wonderful memories and gifts he has given us.  It has been a journey the past week or so. I do hope, dear friends, that you will keep my family in your thoughts. This is a new road for us to walk down. There is still much to do and much strength is needed. 

I wish you all the joy of the season, God has a new tenor in his choir. I wish you blessed moments with your loved ones. Happy Holidays.


  1. Oh Elizabeth, I am so sorry! This will be a hard time for you and your family, especially your Mom. You will be in my prayers in hopes that you will all be comforted. So hard to let our beloved parents go. You will be in my thoughts!

  2. Dear Elizabeth,
    I'm so very sorry to hear about your Dad. What a difficult time this must be for you and your family. I wish you the comfort of your good memories, and the warmth and love of family and friends.
    Sherry P

  3. I am so sorry to hear about your dear Dad and your lovely words about him show what a wonderful person he was, how loved he was and still will be.
    Sincere sympathy from across the world in Liverpool, England.

  4. Thinking of you Elizabeth... how good that you got to be with him this last week.


  5. Sorry to read such sad news - but what a life! RIP your amazing dad.

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. You father sounds like a remarkable man. A new tenor in the choir is a wonderful way to think of this! Bless you and your family.

  7. Thinking of you at this very sad and difficult time with sincere sympathy.

    Deb xxox

  8. Dear Elizabeth,
    I`m so sad for you and your family, for your loss.
    Thoughts and sympathy from Dorthe.

  9. You've written a loving tribute to a strong, much-loved man who truly lived his life. We all wish, I think, that the end will be quick and surrounded with loved ones, and a man like your dad - I'm sure - appreciated that. You will never stop missing him, hearing his voice and expressions at the oddest moments -- but I think that's the tribute we pay to those who leave us. I miss my WWII dad too, a China Marine who was a gentleman and a gentle man. We are blessed to have had these men in our lives.

  10. I was so sorry to hear your news about your Dad Elizabeth. Thankfully he was surrounded by all his loved ones.
    May you gain strength from all who keep you and your family in their pryaers (mine included)
    God bless.

  11. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Be safe, and best wishes for tomorrow.

  12. oh,Elizabeth..I am so deeply sorry for your loss. My condolences to you,your family and all who knew and loved him! He sounds like a man who was so loved and admired by all who knew him.Such a great loss for you.
    I know how devastating it can heart goes out to you. Celebrating his life and keeping him close with memories...the best tribute to him! May your memories bring you comfort.

  13. So terribly sorry for your loss Elizabeth. It was a blessing that you and all the family were there to say your final goodbyes.
    Do hope you'll have a peaceful Christmas and a new door to open into a wonderful 2012.

  14. My deepest condolences thoughts are with you and your family. Take care, Cynthia

  15. Please add my prayers and sympathy to those of the many who loved your father and your whole family.. Blessings to you all.. I'm so glad he did not have long to suffer and that his family was there to love him on his way! **hugs!!**

  16. Elizabeth, I am so very sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers. Sending warm thoughts and soft hugs over the cyber-waves.

  17. Oh Elizabeth-I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing. My thoughts go out to you and your family.

  18. So, sorry, to hear of your loss. My dad died on December 13, 1978. Only 44 years old, and I still miss him every day. Plagued with so many sad things in his life, he was an unhappy man, but I loved him nonetheless, and he loved me. I credit him with making me the woman I am for the short time we had together. How wonderful your father sounded, and I am thinking of you with my deepest sympathy during this time of mourning.

  19. So sorry to hear of your father's passing. May your happy memories of him bring you comfort...

  20. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers, Elizabeth. I understand how much your family means to you and know you will need time to adjust to this void in your life...I know the beautiful memories of a fine father will shine through. Diann

  21. I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Sounds like he had a good life with lots of love and happy memories. Hold on to the memories, and keep him close to your heart. I miss my dad too.

  22. My thoughts are with you and your family at this difficult time.

  23. With tears in my eyes, as I read your post, my heart is heavy with sadness for your loss. I am glad that you had him for such a long time and I pray that your Mom will be ok....
    love and prayers

  24. Elizabeth I don't 'know' you but I have read your blog for a very long time. My thoughts are with you at this time. Sending you warm wishes.

  25. I am so sorry for your loss.

    Losing our parents is a challenge so many of us are facing or have faced.

    Sending warm thoughts your way as you and your family make this wrenching transition.

  26. Elizabeth, I'm so sorry to hear about your daddy. We got news last month that my sister has cancer. We find out this week the results of her treatment. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your entire family.

  27. I'm sorry to hear of your dad's passing. It's never easy even when they have lived a long, full life.
    I lost mine just before my b-day 1.5 years ago.
    Extra warm wishes to you and yours this Holiday season. Enjoy yourselves...I'm sure that's what he'd want!

  28. Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry for your family's great loss. It sounds like your father was an exceptional person, and will be greatly missed. I hope your celebration of his life brings you all peace
    Linda Gibbons

  29. Hard to lose a parent but how nice that you were in and out a lot with them this past year. Blessings to you and your family as you begin with a lot of new things in this new year.

  30. I stopped by to thank you for all the pleasant moments you've given me this past year, only to learn you lost your beloved Daddy. I'm so sorry. My Dad has been gone since 1988, and yet he's still with me. They are never gone so long as we hold them in memory. You and your family will be in my prayers.

  31. You have my deepest sympathy, Elizabeth. It is so hard to lose a father, and so good your family has been together for this painful time. All my best, Mary

  32. Oh, my heart is breaking as I read this post. Since I know your heart now, I also know the pain you are feeling. Your father gave this world a wonderful gift...the gift of YOU, Elizabeth. Through you, his life will go on and on. I am so very, very sorry for your loss.

  33. My prayers are with you and your boys and your family, Elizabeth. Thank you for letting us know in such a touching memoire. How very lucky you all were to have him this long. It makes for all the more comforting number of memories. He lived a great life! xoxo

  34. Elizabeth, thinking of you and your family at this sad time. Keep thinking of the good memories - it sounds like you had lots of them with your father.

  35. Oh, I am so sorry! What a wonderful legacy he left for you and in you. Your loss is his gain, as he spends Christmas with Jesus...but your heart is heavy, and I will have your peace in my prayers.

  36. Oh Elizabeth I am so sorry for you and your family. I shall keep you in my prayers. I do know what you feel as I lost my father Dec. 17th many years ago. He too was a pilot in world war 2. That Christmas was very hard as are my birthdays as I was born on his birthday. We were so close. Take care and remember the wonderful memories of such a great man.

  37. Oh Elizabeth, what sad news to hear. I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family during this difficult time. If there is anything I can do, please let me know.


  38. Oh Elizabeth, I am so deeply sorry for your loss! My heart goes out to you & your family. xoxo Diane

  39. Dear Elizabeth,

    Thinking of you during this most tender time. I can empathize somewhat because both my parents died "prematurely" (Mom at age 58 and Daddy at age 71), but it's never enough time, is it?

    Lifting you, your mother and your entire family up in prayer and holding you in my heart, just as surely as our loving Heavenly Father holds you all in His hands.

  40. dear Elizabeth, I am so sorry for your loss. My own dad is an 89 year old trainer pilot in ww2. He is so fragile and delicate now, but very strong willed. I visited with him yesterday and wondered if this will be his last christmas. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    your friend kay

  41. Oh, Elizabeth, I am so sorry for the loss of your father. I'm glad that you and your family have such wonderful memories as they will help you get through the sad times. You are definitely in my thoughts!

  42. Dear Elizabeth,
    I am so sorry for your loss, especially at this time of the year, when any celebration will be tinged with sadness. We lost my Father-in-law at 94 just before his 95th birthday - a similar history to your dear father.
    Please accept my condolences and I wish you and your family peaceful Holidays. I shall be thinking of you.

  43. Dear Elizabeth,

    I am so very sorry your loss. What a remarkable man and such a loving post you have written to honor him. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Jamie

  44. How fortunate for you that you have lovely memories of your father. I am sorry for your loss.

  45. Merry Christmas and a very Happy Healthy New Year to you and all your loved ones.

    Gaby xo

  46. Oh my, what a sad but wonderful story... sending you healing prayers and listening for the choir.

  47. So sorry for your loss...words seem meaningless. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Rejoice in the wonderful memories and be so very proud of where you came from, your father was a hero. God bless you all.

  48. I'm so very sorry to hear about your beloved father. Your tribute to him is very moving. God bless you all with the strength to get through this particularly poignant time of year. I wish you Christmas blessings in abundance.

  49. Elizabeth, just wanted to check in again and tell you I've been thinking of you. I know how difficult it was to lose my father so long ago... I know he is still with me though every time he comes to mind.. I know yours is too.. Blessings to you dear lady!

  50. I am so sorry for your loss. I just found your blog thru Obtanium Art, and will be praying for you and your family. May God surround you with his peace and love.

  51. Just checking in on you. I thought of you through Christmas. Take care. Sharon

  52. Elizabeth, I just dropped by to see how the house was coming along, and was so saddened by your news! I am so sorry for what you and your family are going through. I know you were extremely close to your father and will hold those precious memories dear. But it's a hard road to travel. Know that your art friends, far and wide, are thinking of you during this very difficult time.

    Take care,

  53. Dear Elizabeth,
    I just thought to check your blog for any "house" news and read your sad news. The father-daughter relationship is a special one. In time, the pain passes, but you never stop remembering.

    Sheila J

  54. Oh Elizabeth, I am behind on my blog reading... I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I'm thinking about you...xox

  55. So sorry for your great loss. What a blessing that he lived such a long and full life.

  56. So sorry to hear about your Daddy passing away. Mine passed away of cancer too in 1997, within five weeks of being diagnosed. But we were all around his bedside when he went 'home' to heaven...and those were his last words 'Heaven!, Heaven! Heaven!' We are blessed with wonderful memories of him, but we will never get over the loss of him not being here until we see him in the distant future.
    hugs and prayers go out to you.
    Teresa in California

  57. Although I don't even know you or remember how I found your blog, I have been touched by all the beauty I have found here. Then, as I scrolled through, I read this incredibly touching post about your dad and I am moved to tears for your loss. It seems that our dads are a lot alike, not in the things they have done but in who they are/were and what they mean to us. Reading this post has blessed me and I have lifted up a prayer for you and your family. Thank-you for the precious tribute to someone you loved so much.


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