Monday, January 2, 2012

A Happy New Year to All...

New Year's Day I spent around 10 hours on my computer going through emails and catching up on posts on some of my favorite blogs and Yahoo groups I belong to.  It was the first time I had opened my computer since I left for D.C. after hearing my father was hospitalized.  I had just bought my new home and the movers came and did a drop/dump of my things. I locked the door and just left.  I forgot my laptop - which I probably would not have used much anyway.  Needless to say, we did not celebrate the Holidays this year, nor have I really felt more blessed in my life.  I think about my Dad and realize how lucky I am to have had such a fine man in my life. Then, I look at my family and realize how blessed I am to have all of them in my life. It is strange the way life can twist and turn.

I want to thank all of you who left comments and sent me such beautiful e-cards.  I think I went through a whole new box of kleenix yesterday.  How fortunate I am to have so many kind and thoughtful friends. I appreciate each and every one of you.  Your kind words and messages of hope truly sustain me. Thank you! I am wishing you all a Happy New Year and a wonderful 2012!


  1. So good to read you're coming through this in good spirits Elizabeth.. blessings.. we all have so many of them, and sometimes it's our memories that carry us through the most difficult days.. sometimes it's something someone said.. my Dad used to tell me "keep your chin up kiddo", and those words carried me through many a rough day. I know you will have enduring memories of your father that will do the same for you...Love and hugs coming to you from cyberspace!!

  2. Oh Elizabeth, I was just thinking about you yesterday, wondering how you were. I so glad to see you back. It is funny how a tragedy can help us see our blessings even more clearly than we ever had. I for one have missed you! Really! Good luck with unpacking.

    Hugs, Susan

  3. Missed you...and hoped you were ok.
    funny how we find blessings,isn't it!
    after my father died..I realized just how fragile and quick-changing our lives can be....i appreciate lots of things more now..and i view my world differently.

  4. Wishing you and your family all the best for the new year

  5. Elizabeth, I'm so glad to hear from you. Happy New Year! xoxo


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