Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day...

It started snowing here yesterday. The news said we were 
to have several inches of snow and very cold weather. Yikes. I immediately grabbed my new camera, some boots, and my car keys and off I went. There is a bird sanctuary here that I like to walk through. It is good exercise and the scenery is park like. I thought it would be a great place to take some snow pictures.
The bird sanctuary is covered with these walkways. It keeps you out of the nesting areas. There is also some low lying areas and small creeks that they want you to stay out of. You can see everything without disturbing it. The small creeks connect to a larger lake so there is all sorts of wildlife. A nice place to get away for a bit.

Here are a few of the residents. They look a little on the cold side. They were nestled in the farthest back creek
out of the wind. Snow was still an issue. They are quiet and have paired up quite nicely. I am hoping to see some babies in the Spring.

This is my quiet spot. The creek comes off the lake here. It is beautiful here during every season. I love the oak tree. The bench was a bit cold to sit on today. I feel 
very peaceful here.
This is standing on the edge of the lake. It is covered with snow and a thin layer of ice. Our lakes do not get as cold as the northern lakes where you can drive a car on them or walk on them. Here they are just dangerous and beautiful.  I thought I would share part of my snow day walk with you. Hope everyone is warm and safe.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Freebies - Women with "Self"

Definitely comfortable with herself. Love her boots!

She has style!

This woman is definitely sure who she is.

This woman is not afraid to try new things.

Trying new things even if they are a bit odd or dangerous.

Standing tall even when the world as she knows it is falling apart.

Feels good about herself.

Enjoys sharing her talents with others.
Not afraid to go off on her own.

Thought I would share these beautiful, self assured women with you. Do you see yourself in any of them. I know I do. Take a minute this week and look at yourself. Realize what a strong and powerful woman you are. If you are a man realize and validate the strong and powerful women in your life. We all need to be validated, appreciated, and enjoyed. So tell a woman in your life just that. She is appreciated and loved!

Digital Photograph - The Little House

The Little House

Cute was all I could think when I 
spotted this little house.
The metal door really caught my eye.
It is from an old fertilizer sign.
Golden Eagle.
A tobacco fertilizer from the 
Wilmington Fertilizer Company.
How appropriate for the little house.
This house is not too far
from the Rabbit Hutch.
I would love to have the door.
Maybe next time I go to the beach
I will stop and see if they will let 
me buy it.

Digital Photographs - The Rabbit Hutch...

The Rabbit Hutch
Driving to and from the beach I like to take a little detour through the coastal plain.
Thousands of years ago this was just a swamp.
The soil is black and cotton and tobacco are the crops. This one farm I like to go by has this great barn. It is now a huge rabbit hutch. It started out with a few black bunnies. Now they are everywhere. Lots and lots of bunnies.

The farmer lets them free range. The barn is their nesting site. They do not wander too far from the barn/hutch. There are now about over fifty of them. I think some of the locals have moved in too. It is quite a sight to behold.

A few bunnies deciding whether they should stay out or not.

It has been about two years since I first spotted my first couple of bunnies here. Now it is like a bunny farm. I have often thought that this would be fun. I do think you would have to keep them out of your vegetables and flowers. It is pretty amazing. I just thought I would share with you one of my road trip sights!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Freebies - Siblings

They are darling! Love the feather in the hat!

So cute! Their dresses are wonderful.

That little boy is adorable! Love the girls dresses. Mom was a creative sewer.

They look like twins. I have a doll like that.

Another set of Fraternal twins? Twins were rare then because of all the complications. These two look very loved!

I am sending these out to all of you. My first freebies of the year. Siblings are important parts of our lives. They have taught us how to deal with all sorts of things. They have been our friends and often taught us how to deal with life's challenges. I love my siblings. I have been blessed with both a brother and a sister. I know I can always depend on them. They have my back. If you have a sibling or two reach out to them. Start the New Year on good terms, plan some time together. Have a reunion. Cook some food you like from your childhood. Share a book or a movie...Remember when...

Digital Photograph - The Blue Door

The Blue Door

I love Blue Doors. They really speak to me. I found this along the river one cold day.
Doors can mean so much. The beginning and end. A portal to something wonderful. It can go on and on.

I also want to say if you left a comment last month and I did not respond. I am sorry I had about two weeks I was without a computer. A few things of importance were deleted or put somewhere in cyberspace that I have not been able to locate. Yet. So please do not think I was being rude. I love your comments and most of all I love talking with ya'll. So, please forgive!!!

Digital Photograph - The Blue Truck

The Blue Truck

I sort of feel like this blue truck looks. It has been an exciting holiday time and New Year. Lots of company and travel. Unfortunately, I brought home some kind of cough and sore throat in my travels. My brother had pneumonia 
so I have been sort of hoping I did not bring that with me. After a few days of feeling really bad. Then a few more days in bed I am on the upswing. Things are feeling much better.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and New Year! That you have been making resolutions and figuring out how to stick to them. I am a firm believer in setting goals for yourself.

Did everyone get through the Polar Vortex? I thought it was actually pretty fun. It has been a long time since I experienced that much cold. It got pretty cold here in the mountains. I think our lowest was -8 with a windchill of -21. The doors to my car froze along with the windows. I got the door open but the windows never thawed enough to roll down. Other than that things here were fine. My 
sister had a different experience. Two days with no water. Then the pipes burst. All is well now. But still an inconvenience.

It is warm now here in the mountains. In the 50's. We have had a lot of rain the past couple of days with more to 
come tonight. It is either beautiful out or gray. [Depending on what side of a mountain you are on.] I have been working on a few new ventures. I hope to be able to share them with you in the next week or two. Now it 
is time to eat, drink and rest some more! 

Digital Photograph - The Blue Ridge Mountains

The Blue Ridge Mountains

Thought you might enjoy a picture of the mountains with a light dusting of snow. It was very cold and windy. So much so that the Blue Ridge Parkway was closed down in our area for high winds and ice. Yikes! 
It is always fun to park and walk along the
Parkway when this happens. You can get some really nice pictures.