Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Freebies - Seers, Crystal Balls and Magic

Late this month and next month the county and state fairs will begin. Rides, games of skill, cotton candy, fried pickles, ice cream, and other assorted goodies are to be had. Hand crafts, quilts, home made pies, and of course the animal judging. At night the different shows. My mouth is watering already. State Fair is one of my favorite old movies.

One of the first fairs I can remember had a magic show for kids. I sat through it three times that week. I loved it. So in honor of those memories I thought I would share these posters with you. I have also made a magic collage sheet which I will post tomorrow for you.

Some of these images would be great to use in your Halloween art work, also. I really like the Thurston posters. He was Kellar's successor in the magic world.


Terri Kahrs said...

Elizabeth, I love the old Thurston posters. The Library of Congress has a wonderful selection of them. These images are awesome! Thanks for your generosity. Hugs, Terri

Bea said...

These posters are so neat. Thanks for sharing them. I strolled down the Halloween isle at Michael's today. I couldn't help myself, I came home with two plastic skulls.
I think of them more as Frida playthings. :)Bea

Linda East said...

Thanks Elizabeth I saved all of these...I am not much of a Halloween artist but I really liked these...:)
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Linda (Okla)

Anonymous said...

love your posters! my husband is a magician, so i am partial to them!

TheresainMS said...

These posters are great! Such possibilities :-)