Friday, November 27, 2009

Art Creations Friday - Dreams

This week for Art Creations Friday we were given this luscious background to work with. I really like some of the backgrounds they give us. I added to the dreams, the vintage girl and some grunge. What fun!

This is the lovely background we were given.

One More Journal Page

One more page from this week. I have been working in the yard and enjoying the weather. The flower heads are Hero Arts. They make the best flowers. I used Bic and Sharpie markers to paint them in. I love my markers.

Some New Journal Pages

I started a new moleskin journal about a week ago. I thought I would share some of my pages. I always think the first pristine page is the hardest. This time I took a piece of scrap paper I have been using and to blot and mask some other things. I glued that in and just put the word Begin as a starting point. Sometimes that is all you have to do - take the first step.

The young girl and the script are from Paperbag Studios. The other image is an old one from Lost Aussie. I have been playing around with stamping my stamps and then scanning them into my computer and then printing them out. I have gotten some interesting results. This page is exactly that.

I was waiting in line at the store the other day. It was a madhouse. There were two, late twenty early thirty looking, girls in line in front of me. I was reading one of the celeb magazine's while they whispered and chatted. All of a sudden one girl looked at the other and said she could feel her eggs ripening. I decided to do a journal page using that quote.

My mantra!

I incorporated a vintage photo with another photograph that I took to do this spread. It seemed such a good fit. The new with the old.

When I saw this vintage photo of the woman with the whip I knew she was getting control of her life. Some women use their looks and wiles, some their brains, others just have to pull out the whip.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I am wishing everyone in the States a safe and happy Thanksgiving. If you are not here in the states, I wish you a wonderful weekend full of creativity, good food and company. One of the things I am the most thankful for is all of the wonderful, talented and kind people I have met this year through my blog. You have all become "old" friends. I thank you for letting me get to know you all.

One of the traditions my family has at dinner time is after the blessing we go around the table to say what we are thankful for. At first, my children would have silly things to be thankful for. As they grew and got a taste of life, they became more thankful for the little things. This year when it is my turn I will be thankful for the little things that make my life so rich and full.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Freebie - Collage Sheet - Time

After the Three Muses Challenge I decided to make this collage sheet for you. I printed it out on a transparency sheet and it is really cool. I am off to make a few skinnies and a ATC or two. Hope you find a use for it. As usual this is for your personal use.

The Three Muses Challenge - Time

This week the Three Muses Challenge is Time. Sort of ironic if you think about it. This week in the States everyone is scrambling around getting ready for Thanksgiving which them means the holidays are right around the corner. Which of course means the year is almost over. Where did the time go. It makes me dizzy just thinking about it.

My collage is a painted background scanned. I then used various stamps to create the images. A little fine tuning and here you go.

Katie Scarlett asked me who made the little zetti fairy girl stamp. All marking on the stamp are gone and I honestly don't remember. Sorry, but I am sure their is someone out there who knows. Please leave me a message or email me if you do and I will post it. Thanks!

Monday, November 23, 2009

A Little Peek at My Day....beginning and end

Each morning I try to start the day off with a little walk on the beach. Sundays and Mondays are usually the best. The beach is usually deserted. Just me, the sea gulls, the wind and the surf.

Although it was warm, the temperature is affected by the wind. This guy looked pretty cold or maybe just tired. I think they sleep and rest in this position. The gulls will follow you on your walk. I think they dream that you are going to feed them. They ask you not to here, so I don't. I do enjoy their company though.

This island is made up of "hash" which is broken down bits of shell and rock. You can really see some of the small bits of shell in this picture. I loved this worn and full of texture shell. Sometimes they are more beautiful than the "perfect" ones. Sort of like people. The more they have seen, done and been through the more interesting they are.

This is the channel that leads from the ocean to the inner coastal waterway. When the waves and wind are brisk it stuns the fish and the birds go on a feeding frenzy. Today it is this migrating group of brown pelicans. There were hundreds of them. I love to collect their feathers. They make beautiful bouquets and quivers to write with.

After my walk I had a ton of errands to run. As I finished my last one and headed for home I turned to see this full rainbow. I immediately pulled into the first parking lot and started snapping pictures. it has been quite a while since I have seen such a beautiful sight. I liked the irony of this one. The name of the shop below the rainbow is Thrill of the Hunt. That about says it all.

Chris's Scalloped Sweet Potatoes and Apples

Thanksgiving is just around the corner. I thought I would share this recipe with you. It was my grandmothers. Everyone called her Chris. She was known far and wide for her cooking. She ran a boarding house for the railroad men to make ends meet after my grandfather died. Anyway the combination of flavors here is wonderful. This is an easy recipe and tastes like you spent a lot more time than you did. I hope you will make this a family favorite.

Scalloped Sweet Potatoes and Apples

8 medium sweet potatoes cooked - pierce with fork and boil whole.
4 medium granny Smith apples, cored and cut in rings
1/2 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup pecans, halves or pieces
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground mace
4 tablespoons butter

Peel sweet potatoes and cut in lengthwise slices about 1/2" thick.
Arrange layers of potato, apple slices and pecans in a greased baking dish.
Melt the butter, salt, and mace together. Add syrup.
Pour over layers.
Cover and bake in moderate oven 350degrees for 50 minutes.
Serves 6 to 8 people.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Art Creations Friday - Longing for Home

Happy Birthday Art Creations Friday! I love how you gave us the very first image to create with. I was not there for the first challenge so it was so much fun to get a chance to use this beautiful image. I decide to make this week's challenge all about you. I used two more of the images you have so kindly given us through the year. Tweaked the colors added an engraving and some script and here we are. Thank you so much for challenging us to make something and step outside our box. I can't wait for the next year!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Freebies - Celestial Charts, Globes, and Spheres

This week's freebies are some celestial charts, a couple of awesome globes and a sphere or two. A couple of these I purchased long ago as a starry eyed college student. In my quest to declutter, reorganize and recycle I ran across some of these in a chest. Then in one of my journaling groups someone/Sox was looking for some so it just seemed like the right time to share a few more with you.

This weekend is my finish up all outstanding projects weekend. Hopefully I will have some time to start on a few journals for next year. I have decided to use a few of these charts as covers and inserts. I will share them with you as they develop. I hope you can find a place in your art for some of these.

I love this one. It was the first one I bought. The mariners compass just did me in.

Isn't the pink with the cherubs great?

Wow! This impressed me with such inferior instruments they could figure this all out. Math really helps.

My favorite globes!

I wish I could read this. Long ago someone gave me the gist of this but I have two or three that are similar and I can't remember. If anyone knows let me know.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Three Muses Challenge - Keys

I love the theme this week for the Three Muses Challenge - Keys. Ever since I was a child a big set of keys always invoked images of hidden treasures, a room full of mysteries and doors that opened unto unbelievable sights. Every time I would go with my Mother or Grandmother flea marketing or antiquing I would spot some keys. I usually would come home with a few wondering what secrets they unlocked.

This weeks theme sent me in a spin of ideas. I found this picture of these men earlier this week in my New York Public Library file and have been itching to use it. I figure these guys held the key to a lot of things, the railroad, the telegraph system, the postal system, banks, etc. This of course led to a whole new world. So who is your key holder?

A Little Key Freebie for You

Here is a little digital key freebie for you. I played around with a few backgrounds and photos I had when I was working out the key challenge. I think this will make a cool background for some other things. I am going to cut it into pieces and use it as a border for some journaling. I hope you can use it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

A Digital Door - Perfect Day

For "C" who has finally opened the door to find the happiness within.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Freebies - Thanksgiving

This week I am late getting out my freebies. Thursday night we had terrible wind gusts and a high tide three times it's normal size. Somewhere in there we had a five hour power outage. Although I have a heavy duty surge protector my computer does not like power outages. Friday morning my desk top with all my images was down and out. Luckily I have a great computer doctor and he was able to resolve everything and get me up and running. So without further ado - here are the freebies.

Yum Pumpkin Pie!

They are so sweet.

I love mince pie.

This is a little Zetti Thanksgiving Greeting!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Theme Thursday - Pattern Paper

This week for Theme Thursday's Challenge we were to use already pattern paper in our challenge. I have always liked the paper I used. So French feeling. Elegant. So I decided to do a portrait thing with it. Here is a beautiful young girl, maybe on graduation day or her confirmation day posing for her picture. Beauty is her name...

Pattern Paper for You

Today when I went to do the Theme Thursday Challenge I started playing around with pre patterned paper. I went in my paper stash and scanned a few I liked. I took three that seemed relatively different. Then, I combined them digitally and tweaked the colors, posterized, added some noise, etc. I think cut up this would make good background for ATC's and depending on how big you printed you could do some twinchies and inchies. Any way this just goes to show you that it doesn't take much to turn something into your own.

Seagulls, Sand and a Storm

Yesterday afternoon I decided to brave the storm [ tropical storm Ida] and get out of the house and check out the beach. It has been raining constantly for a day and a half with more rain predicted. It is a steady and at times hard rain. Lots of wind yet it is warm. All of the street lights are on because it is so dark.

I decided to go to the middle of the island to the big heavy duty pier. It was just me, the sea gulls and the surfers. The noise was incredible, the rain, waves, and sea gulls filled the air. It was windy but not a cold wind. I took a lot of pictures and thought I would share a few with all of you. I was dripping wet by the time I left. My car keys got so wet in my pocket that the automatic opener for my car would not work. I have never experienced this kind of storm in November.

The wave action was so violent that it was stunning the small fish. The sea gulls were in a feeding frenzy, diving, and screaming as they snatched the fish all up.

A couple of surfers were making this little shrine when I got to the beach. There were probably twenty or so surfers out in the ocean. After about 50 yards they were all most impossible to see.

Wave action at the pier. It is low tide yet the waves a starting to lick the top of the underside of the pier. By the time I left an hour later the waves were crashing the length of the pier. Note the lights on at the pier.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Three Muses Challenge - Dreams

This week for The Three Muses Challenge the theme is Dreams. I have always loved this painting by Leighton and thought I would use some of the fairy images I have been collecting. It is so dark here from the storm that the street lights are on. It is raining hard. I just want to crawl up on a soft comfy place and dream. We should all have a little fairly princess watching over us while we sleep.

Monday, November 9, 2009

More Journal Pages...

This is another journal page. It started out as just a purple page with a few stencils of a butterfly. I had all this left over paper from another project so I added it using it to go across the middle of the page. I then sprayed this with a few different colors of inks. Wiped, dried, and sprayed some more. I then added a wash of white paint and sprayed and wiped again. Added my images. The hearts are done with oil pastels. The butterflies disappeared, but isn't that the way it is sometimes?

This page is the end of my paint palette. I keep a piece of computer paper on my art table and routinely add left over paint and try techniques on it. When it is full I go to photo shop and make a translucent page and add stamps and words, numbers, etc. I then print this on to my painted computer paper. I tear this paper up and use it in collages or as I did here as a journal page. My printer ink and the different types of paint interact together sometimes in really strange yet beautiful ways.

Here is a blank journal page. I have prepped it with acrylic paint, inks, and acrylic paint with chalk added. I like to do several of this type of page and just have it waiting.

I have been Soul Journaling....

I had some time last night to work on some more of Sarah Whitmire's prompts in the Soul Journaling group. Here we were to write adjectives, paint, splatter,wash, use tape, use a pencil, and stencil a figure, write a grocery list, etc. I really like how this page turned out. It was fun!

This prompt was called collage potpourri. We were to write angrily the alphabet, paint, use a tool or something unusual as a stamp, list what we did today, stencil a profile and use something metal of the page. The page pretty much speaks for itself. The metal hearts came off of a candle. The candle was wrapped in metal tape with the hearts embossed on it. When I finished burning the candle I kept the tape knowing I would find another use for them.

Here is the home journal page prompt. We were to use a paper bag to make a house with a pocket. Do the neighborhood, and add the people, pets, etc. that live at you house. I made a house, and some other houses using paper bags and watercolors. The figures are from Artchix. I just love these paper dolls. I decided I would use one as me and the rest are arty friends coming to visit for the weekend to do art. "Last Boy Home" was not up for his picture being used in any way shape or form...

Make Ahead Cranberry Relish

The Holiday Season is approaching fast. This year I have vowed to have a relaxing time. I am going to prepare as many dishes as I can ahead of time so I can spend more time with my family and friends. This is the first of several recipes I intend to share with you. I am making this today for the holidays.

Cranberry Relish

4 medium oranges seeded
2 pounds of cranberries
4 medium unpeeled apples, cored
4 cups sugar

Take the yellow peel from the oranges, trim and discard the white part. Put orange pulp and yellow peel, cranberries and apples through a food chopper. Add sugar and mix well. For a more orangey taste you can omit the apples, but we love apples and they add a crunch to the relish.
Cover and refrigerate. Serve when chilled.
OR pour into glass jars, leaving 1/2 inch head space. Seal and freeze.
Makes 4 pints. Take jar/s out of freezer into refrigerator the morning of your Holiday Dinner to thaw.
[This is also great on top of cheesecake]

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Journal Page - Save the Turtles

This is another journal page using the Soul Journal - Caspiana - prompts. We were to fill our page with numbers, trace our hands six times, put important words down, etc... Sometimes things that you are thinking about just flow out.

I had read an article in our local paper about our the turtle hospital here was getting ready to sue the government over gill nets. Then, I had another conversation with a turtle nest volunteer I know about the turtle season in the grocery store. After that, it occurred to me that I should call and put my name on the list for volunteering. When the cold weather snaps the turtles get caught unaware and have to be rescued. Last year there were 23 in a matter of days. Hence, it all comes out in my journal. What in your life has spilled into your journaling or art?

Freebies- John Everett Millais

[Last week when I posted the picture of the women playing cards. I realized I had not included this artist in the Pre-Raphelite thing I have been doing. The card players are one of his paintings also. So, for Birgit at Swapping Howdies I am featuring Millais.]

This week's freebies are from John Everett Millais. . He was a Pre-Raphelite painter and along with John Waterhouse and Dante Rossetti he founded the brotherhood. He was the darling of this group. He was in a particularly stable and loving relationship which gave him the time and energy to create and help other artists. Plus he was very handsome, think Johnny Depp of his time.

He used his family or the women who helped his wife maintain their household in a lot of his work. From all accounts it was a very informal salon at his home. I chose all women or girls this week as that was really his specialty. He was one of England's premere portrait artists of his time. Think bread and butter. Where many of his fellow artists used the same model over and over his subjects were much more varied. I think he was able to capture their personalities in his paintings. I hope you enjoy and have a very creative week.

One of the girls who helped his wife.

Supposedly the fact he was able to capture each one of these twins personalities really gave him the "in" for society portraits. Their father was so excited he told everyone about the painting.

This is called leisure. I love the gold fish in the bowl in this painting.

Isn't she a darling? I love the yellow rose.

She is so beautiful with her red dress and turquoise necklace. She just looks like fall to me. Note the leather gloves on her hands.