Sunday, July 31, 2011

Digital Photograph - The Depot Door

A door for all of you. I thought what better gift than one of my doors. My fascination with them just keeps growing. Today is my birthday. I started celebrating on Thursday and the party keeps rolling on. I want to thank Sally, Pat, and Miranda especially for always being there and always knowing what to say to make me a better person. And to all of my blog friends - You all make my life so much richer. Your encouragement, your life stories, your friendships have changed my life. Thank You![double click on image for full effect]

Digital Photograph - Tangled

This week I experienced a brown out. I just want to say for the record that I need electricity and all the things that are supported by it. Lights, computers, refrigerators, and Air Conditioning. I had to take a little trip to the mountains to cool off and find my way. I found this electric box at an old train depot.[Be sure to double click on this one]

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Beauty Everywhere,,,Digital Photograph

Early this morning as I cut through an alley to take some pictures, I stumbled across these flowers. Amid the dirt and trash, the crumbling building, and the heat, these beauties were blooming. Just a little reminder that beauty can be found when you least expect it.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bathing Beauty Freebies...

Isn't she beautiful? She reminds me of my Mother. Love the modest suit.

I love these group pictures. They are so great.

Love the headband here.

They look like they are having fun.

Love the way they use to carry these parosols to keep the sun off.

Here are some Bathing Beauties for you. What is summer without Bathing Beauties? When it gets hot everyone runs to the nearest water where they can soak themselves. A mountain stream, a lake, a swimming hole, a pool, and of course the beach. Now I think I need a road trip just thinking about it. Hope these beauties inspire you today. Stay cool.

Journal Background Pages...

Cheap acrylic paint with paper doilies.

Cheap acrylic paint, paper doilies used as stencils.

Some detail from journal page/cheap acrylic paints and paper doilies.

Glimmer mists/two shades and some pine needles.

Cheap acrylic paint with paper doilies. So much fun.

Some detail from the journal page. Paper doilies and sponge stamps.

Cheap acrylic paints and inktense pencils.

The past couple of weeks I have been doing background pages in a Strathmore Mixed Media Journal. I have not been able to concentrate enough to do more than backgrounds. I have used cheap acrylic paints, inktense pencils, and paper doilies and stencils. When I am inspired to do more my backgrounds are started.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Morning Glories


Just opening to the sun
Fully opened, beautiful color

the end and the beginninga single bloom

I have been getting up really early every morning at my son's house. The heat as been something fierce here. The only time to be outside is in the early morning. After my morning walk, along my son's drive is this fence with the most beautiful morning glories. After a week or so they have completely seduced me with their color and form. Some mornings they are literally glowing in the sun. They have such a short bloom cycle. Only for a few hours in the morning are they in full bloom. I hope you enjoy these photographs. Stay cool!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Artsee Blogger - Call for Artists

This is the letter that went out as an introduction and invitation to Geri Centonze new blog - Artsee Blogger. She has interviews with guest artists, information on artists blogs, all sorts of yummies. In the past week or so she has had over 2500 hits and 200 followers sign up. How wonderful is that!?! The whole idea is just great. I hope you will hop over to Artsee Blogger and check it out. If you are a blogger and an artists let Geri know and she will include you on her site. Pick up her blog button. The fun is just beginning.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Digital Collage with Grunge Texture...Dreams

Thought I would share one of my digital collages with you. I used the last rusty grunge texture to make this. The graffiti piece is from my favorite graffiti artist - jef aerosol. The quote is from John Barrymore. [Please double click to get the full effect.]

Some Grungy Textures from Main Street for You....

A lovely bit of rust

A window sill

A lovely brick wall
A green door

More yummy rust

Here are a few textures from a walk around Main Street. I love the first rusty piece. The old paint goes so deep. I love a lotta paint. Some times I will run across a door or window that probably has ten layers of paint on it. My heart starts to sing. I hope you enjoy these textures as much as I do. Enjoy the day, for those of you in the middle and eastern part of the United States Stay Cool!

Digital Photograph - The Back Door

Thought I would share this digital photograph with you. often when I am visiting these small towns I head for the back of Main Street. I love the alleys and backs of the buildings as much as the fronts. I am always amazed at how much you can tell about a building from the back and sides. The additions, what is there as opposed to what you think should be there. Often the back of the building has more character than the front.

They remind me of people. What they show you, is not always who they are. Many are trying to disguise their age by dying their hair, wrinkles with makeup, their bodies with lifts and tucks or ill fitting clothes. The front of these buildings are painted, with flowers outside their doors, new signs. Around back is the true story...So next time you are visiting a local "main street" take a brief moment to check out the back. You might be surprised.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Cucumber Salad

I found this recipe last week on the internet or in a magazine, I can not remember. I did jot it down and think I needed to try it. Yesterday, I stopped at one of the local produce stands and bought some goodies, seeing the cucumbers there made me remember this recipe. I tried it last night and again today for lunch. It is delicious! This could be served at a picnic, for a snack, with a dinner as the salad. I served it with brats from the grill and baked beans.

Cucumber Salad

2 cucumbers - peeled and cut into 1/4 inch slices

1 teaspoon chile powder

1 lemon - juiced

1/2 teaspoon salt

Place cucumbers in a medium size bowl. Add lemon juice, chili powder and salt. Toss gently till mixed. Chill for 15 minutes in refrigerator. Serve.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Digital Photography - Summer Afternoon

"Summertime and the livin' is easy." I believe that is how the song goes. This big ole bull certainly seems to be enjoying himself. Summer afternoons are all about grabbing a nice glass of iced tea and watching the grass grow.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Freebies - Brothers...

My boys would have been pouting if I made them get their picture taken wearing a bow!

Look at these little ones with their bare feet and tricycle. They are adorable.

Look at these dashing brothers, the apple did not fall far from the tree with them.

Here are two little pudges. Love the long coat the youngest is dressed in and the straw hat on the stool of the older brother.

One word for these little sailor boys - adorable.

Thought I would do brothers this week. I am visiting my boys, and I have been reminded that they are still all very close. The Brothers. It is a bond that is impossible to break. As I watch them grow and mature into men I am reminded of how truly blessed I have been. If you have a brother, give him a call. If you have boys, remind them how lucky they are to have such a friend. Hope everyone is getting ready for a wonderful summer weekend.

Digital Photograph - Small Town America

One of the best parts of traveling this year has been being able to take the backroads. I have seen so much of this country - the real, everyday people that make up this country. Where they work and live. It has been a pleasure and at times disturbing. I wish all those politicians could take a week off and take a little trip with me. They would definitely have a better understanding of what is really happening out there in the world they govern. Meanwhile I am so honored to be an American and to be able to explore and meet all of these interesting people.[remember to double click on picture to see it enlarged]

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Back in North Carolina...

Feels so good to be back in North Carolina. The air, the light, all seem so different. The sky is a glorious Carolina Blue. Home. Off to see the boys and friends... I will post freebies and textures tonight. Right now I am basking in the sun and my love for them.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

One door opens...

I found this doorknob on the way to lunch yesterday in Cowpens, South Carolina. First let me say this is a very nice old southern town. I found the people to be so friendly and nice. I stopped to stretch my legs, get a bite to eat, and antique a bit. I found some beautiful antiques, stretched my legs, found some delicious homecooked southern food, and met a delightful mother - daughter team at lunch. We ended up knowing a mutual acquaintance, have deep southern roots, and passed an hour or so in wonderful conversation. [If you are reading this - Alice and Virginia I enjoyed our conversation and lunch immensely. I look forward to seeing you both again.] I left three great friends in Alabama it felt nice to make two new friends yesterday. You never know what a day will bring...

Leaving South Carolina...

I love South Carolina. The food is incredible, the people are everything you have heard about Southern Hospitality. With that said I thought you might like to see this water tower. It is on Interstate 85 in Gaffney, South Carolina. They call themselves the peach capital of the South. I just know I love peaches and get a real kick out of this water tower. The leaf is so cool. A little piece of Southern art.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Leaving Alabama...

I had to share this delicious place with you I found as I was leaving Alabama. I absolutely love this roof. Think of the things it must have seen.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

On the Road Again...

On the road again... I am leaving Alabama after a wonder visit. It has been so much fun exploring the northern part of this state. Time to head to North Carolina though. I am missing my family and familar faces and places.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Sending all of you in the states wishes for a safe Independence Day full of fun, fireworks, family and friends, and good food!

Independence Day Freebies!

A few vintage Independence Day postcards for all of ya'll. I also want to say thanks to all of the men and women in the armed forces and their families for continuing to fight for mine and my families independence. Today I salute you and all of those who went before you. Freedom, it is a great gift!