Monday, April 23, 2012

Freebies - Actresses

Love the gypsy look here!

A very demure princess

The scarf on the forehead actually looks good here.

This looks like a nightmare to walk around in. Look out chandeliers. I am coming.

Love the gauzy look although she seems sad to me.

She looks like she has spirit.

Thought I would start off the week with some freebies. I have spent my sick time in bed catching up on TV shows and movies. I am amazed is all I am going to say on that. Here are a few lovely femme fatales for you. I decided to concentrate on actresses with head gear. Not sure why but they appealed to me. Hope this week is productive for everyone.
It is very cold here - although not as bad as north of us. Ten inches of snow does not sound like fun. I did have to turn the furnace back on and get out a long sleeve shirt today. I am still surrounded by boxes. It is slow going, but it is going. I spent a day this weekend polishing silver. More to do tonight...Enjoy the freebies!

Thank You

Thought you might like a blank one to send someone special a message!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Digital Photograph - Mountain Stream

Mountain Stream

Here is a beautiful clean mountain stream my cousin Barbara and I discovered a few weeks ago. It is such a contrast to this stream in Manila that these gentlemen are cleaning up for Earth Day - today. Why do we just do this once a year? Why can't we just police our trash everyday and clean up this planet? I want a beautiful world to leave my children and their children. Is that too much to ask?

Digital Photograph - The River

The River

This week we had some incredible storms. It was my first taste of bad weather here in the mountains. I saw my first rock and dirt slide. Quite a fearful thing to witness. Needless to say the storms blow through fast and it can be bad on one side of the mountain and fine on the other. I have finally started to feel better after two weeks of grunge. Healing is good. Thought I would share the river with you today. It is running high and fast.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Botanical Freebies

This week I thought I would share these beautiful watercolor botanicals with you. I fell in love with the simplicity of them. I think they would be beautiful framed in my bedroom. Unfortunately I have neglected my blog this week.  I have been so sick. The fever, lightheaded, runny nose, aches and pains, sore throat you name it. I think it is the first time in about twenty years I have been sick. It has been quite a shock. At first I thought it was allergies with everything blooming at once. Then I thought maybe allergies and weather change. Our temperatures have dropped about twenty degrees this week.  Very cool during the day and cold at night. Then I just gave in and decided I needed a day or two in bed, good food, a good book, and a box of kleenex. I actually feel better today. Yeah! Much more to unpack, silver to polish, a home to make...

Saturday Textures #18

Blue 1
Blue 2
Blue 3
Blue 4
Blue 5

I haven't done Saturday textures in awhile - so - I thought I would do some today.  I was working on some barn pictures that needed some blue texture backgrounds. I came up with these. I hope you can find a place for them in your artwork. Have fun!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Digital Photograph...The Broad River

The Broad River

Yesterday we moved the last hundred or so boxes out of the first storage unit. About 700 total in that unit. Ugh! Of course it was in the 80's and I was so hot I thought
I was going to faint. It went from 60 to 80 degrees in no time. No adjustment time for this old body. Then the long drive up
the mountain. I kept thinking of the
Little Engine that could. It was hard the last six miles or so up. The truck would barely do 35 miles per hour. We made it though with a lot of praying.
So, for the next week or two I will be unpacking all my treasures I haven't seen for years. I am so excited to have
a house to turn into a home. I will take lots of pictures to share with you. Hope everyone has a great weekend.
[Thought I would share the river with you. It is my go to place to relax and just put aside the day.] 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Beautiful Egg Prints...

Eggs are on my mind.  On every one's mind this time of year. The past few days have been very tiring here in the mountains.  I have gotten to the point where I can start unloading my storage units. Last Saturday I rented a 16 foot long truck and filled it with around 600 boxes of stuff I have had in storage.  Slowly we crept back up the mountain with our load of goodies. Sunday and Monday we unloaded and returned the truck.  Oh my!  there is a lot of stuff to unpack and put away. Opening each box makes me feel like a mother hen watching her eggs hatch. You know it is a chick but what will it look like? I remember packing these boxes but it has been so long since I have seen this stuff I have forgotten what it looks like. I figure it will take a few weeks to get through this...
p.s. if you want a really big version of these prints - right click - then hit open link in a new window - then left click and it should be big. Then save.

The Local Tom...

Mr. Tom Turkey all puffed up and walking around the neighborhood. He was just shimmering and shaking. Strutting along. No gobbling. Yesterday as we were unloading the truck, a whole flock of these turkeys came out of my neighbors yard and crossed the street a few houses down from mine.  I have seen them in another neighborhood about a mile or so from my house. Here in my neighborhood, this is a first. It must be mating season because several of the Tom's were all puffed up like this one chasing some turkey girl around.

This guy decided to show me his glorious backside. Look at his sharp pointy spurs on his legs. My those could hurt. I had n0 idea turkeys were so pretty. I am hoping I will find some of their feathers for my feather collection. They are really outstanding.

An Easy Egg Dish for You...


I would like to share an egg dish with you today. It is so easy to make ahead. I figured with Easter coming up this weekend it would be the perfect time to pull this recipe out and use it. Some of us are having company for the weekend and with this recipe you do not have to spend a lot of valuable time in the kitchen when you could be hunting for Easter eggs. This can be a vegetarian recipe or you can add ham or sausage to make it a little more substantial. [I love it with ham.] I serve this with fresh fruit and juice. Enjoy!

Egg and Vegetable Strata

2 Tablespoons of butter
1 3/4 cup sliced mushrooms/your choice
1 cup shredded Colby Monterey Jack cheese
1 pound fresh Asparagus/you can use broccoli or squash also or instead
1/2 cup red pepper/chopped
1/2 cup onion/finely chopped
5 English Muffins/sliced in half and toasted
8 eggs
2 cups milk
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon dry mustard powder
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup shredded Colby Monterey Jack cheese [2 total cups of cheese]

1. Melt butter is a skillet. Add mushrooms. Cook till browned and the liquid is almost gone. Set aside.
2. Grease a 9 inch by 13 inch baking dish. Arrange 8 of the toasted English muffin halves in the baking dish. Use the extra halves to fill in any holes or gaps. Cover the English muffins with 1 cup of shredded cheese, asparagus, mushrooms, onions and red pepper. If you want to add ham or sausage now is the time. Use a cup or so.
3. Whisk together in a bowl the eggs, milk, salt, pepper and dry mustard. Pour slowly over the muffins, cheese and vegetables.
4. Cover and refrigerate over night.
5. Preheat oven to 375 degrees/190 c. Remove casserole from the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. Spread 1 cup of Colby Monterey Cheese over the top of the casserole.
6. Bake uncovered in preheated oven until a knife inserted in side of pan comes away clean or about 45 minutes. Remove from oven, let stand for 5 to 10 minutes before cutting into squares. Serve with fruit.
Egg Strata