This is a photograph of a farm I took this past weekend. The trees in the background remind me of Maxfield Parrish's trees. I manipulated the color with color bucket in photo shop. I am still trying to figure out how it all works. I blew this up very large and I must say it is so different.
Ooooooooooh very cool. I'm just learning about layers. It's going to take a while for it to all sink in. :)Bea
Great "capture" and and awesome job of layering! I don't think I'll ever figure digital art out, but the only way to learn is to play. This definitely gets an A+! Hugs, Terri
This is an amazing manipulation. Love the colors. I have Photoshop Elements 7...but have not figured it out yet. Are you using a book on Photoshop to help you out?
Love the colors! Many of us are trying to figure out photoshop. There is so much to it. Three more weeks of school and then I will get busy trying it out too.
It´s beautiful - those manipulations allow us to view something from a complete different point of view!
Sooooo Cooooool....I love the dream like quality you've given this farm picture. It feels like remembering something from your past or something you've repressed. Really Great!
Wow, this is a place that I'd like to visit: colorful, solitary, peaceful. Nicely done!
Oh I love this photo. Have a visit to www.jessicasprague.com as she has a free online course for photoshop. I've not used it yet, but a blog buddy has and is doing lovely work. Kaz xx
Wow! You took this rather ordinary photo to extraordinary places! It's otherworldly and magnificent!
This is one of my favorite of your creations! I absolutely love the image and how you manipulated the colors.
Hey ELizabeth,
THis just WOWS me! Love the colors and the whole effect. Just fabulous.
Oh this is awesome!!! I've got to learn how to do digital art!
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