Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas to All

I hope you all are having a Joyous Holiday!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Digital Collage - Angel of Grief

It has been a rough 24 hours for this nation. I woke up yesterday already prepared for a bad day. It was the one year anniversary of my Father's death. How terrible. Then I went to check the weather and stream the news while I worked in my study and there were terrible news alerts coming out of Newtown Connecticut. Horror. I sat and watched the horror on their faces, the loss of innocence, the loss of loved ones.
I sat there remembering all the years I have spent volunteering in my five boys schools. Helping with lunch, a room Mother every year, tutoring, being on this committee or that.PTA.
20, twenty precious babies gone. 6, six adults dedicated to children gone. I do not understand this kind of evil. Nor, do I want to. I can not nor, do I want to imagine that kind of pain these families are going through. It is unimaginable.
Long ago I asked my Father why people did bad things. My teenage neighbor deliberately ran over my little cat. I was heart broken. I kept asking why. My father said he did not know. That there were just sick people out there in the world. That I had to remember that there is a lot more good in the world than bad. In the next few days and weeks I am going to hold on to that thought. That there are good people, brave people out there. That with time we will heal, our hearts will never forget, will never be the same, but one day we will smile again. 
I got an email from Patti Digh last night. One of her newsletter things. She spoke about just letting the grief happen. Just feel it. No blame, no agenda's about gun control, placing blame. Just feel the grief. I thought to myself what good advice. I do not have to have the answers. I just know what happened is wrong, that it hurts. I will grieve for their losses. I will hold the ones I love a little closer. Realize how lucky I truly am. Say prayers for all. I do not have to make sense over something so senseless.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Digital Journal Page - The Little Girl

The Little Girl

I have started doing digital journal pages again. As I unpack and set up my art supplies this basic need to create has been stirred. I feel like a pot of soup that the cook keeps adding spices and ingredients to. Today was all about the little girl in me. As I open the boxes I feel like I am rediscovering my world. There is a little girl inside of all of us women. Some days she is just waiting to come out. Other days she is exploring the world with wonder.

Today has been full of wonder...

Monday, December 10, 2012

Digital Collage - Home


I read this comment the other day that Christmas was all about being home. That it did not matter where or how you celebrated as long as where you were was home to you. The people you surrounded yourself with were home, the place you were comfortable in was home. That Christmas was all about being with those you love and that place called home. The more I thought about it I realized how true it all was. Once a year we celebrate and once a year it should be with those we love. This year I will not be able to be with all I love. They will be in my heart. I am expecting that I will celebrate Christmas several times this season with those I love. Maybe one day we will all be able to be in the same place on the same day. One can hope...

This digital collage is a combination of several textures and images. The home is from an old photograph of houses I have collected through the years. The woman is an old tintype. She has always seemed like she has experienced much of what life has to offer. Love, joy, hardship, want, and despair while keeping her dignity. The background is several scanned paintings I have doodled and painted along the way. I have found painting backgrounds is very soothing and relaxing. I often combine two or more to make a new texture for my digital work. They seem to add that bit of depth I am looking for.

This collage reminded me that going home is a timeless event. Whether it is now or later we all have that instinct to nest, to make a home, to find a home, to go home. I hope you all find your way home. 

Ham & Apple Pancakes

Ham & Apple Pancakes

Thought I would share a recipe with you today. It has been quite awhile since I have shared one with you. This one is easy and tastes delicious! Great for when you
have guests and want something that does not
take up too much time. Plus, it tastes really good and everyone will ooh and awe over it.
1 can of apple pie filling/21 ounces
2 cups of Bisquick Original Baking Mix
1 cup milk
2 eggs
3/4 cup fully cooked ham chopped into pieces
1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese/2 ounces
optional -
1 medium green onion sliced thin about
2 tablespoons
sprinkle of cinnamon
1. Heat pie filling in saucepan till hot,
keep warm.
2. Mix Bisquick, milk and eggs in a bowl.
Beat with a wire whisk or beater till smooth. Fold in ham, cheese, and onion.
3. Heat up griddle to 375 degrees or a skillet on medium heat. Grease griddle and or skillet with a tad of butter if needed.
4. Pour batter by scant 1/4 cup fulls onto hot griddle or skillet. Cook till the edges are dry. Turn, cook till golden brown.
5. Serve with warm apple pie filling on top with a sprinkle of cinnamon.
Yummy.[p.s. this was Sunday night's dinner]

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Some Holiday Freebies

I wonder what the secret is here.
Just the cutest thing ever...
What an Angel!
She looks so serious. I need a helper to decorate!
Love her muff. I had one of these as a child with a stuffed kitty toy that fit inside.
I hope everyone had a fantastic week. I
have been missing in action. It has been
a mad rush to complete unpacking the rest
of the boxes here. I am trying to make
room for the last storage unit. I would
like to have everything under one roof
before the New Year. I got sidetracked
by a nasty migraine. They make you
feel so wretched. Words can not describe
how terrible they are.
This week I thought I would share a few
French Postcards with a Holiday theme.
I love these little poppets. They are
so darling. I think they would make
really cute gift tags. I do hope you
enjoy them. Have a fab weekend!

Digital Photograph - The Oak

The Oak

I awoke early this morning and had an
opportunity to play with Photoshop. This magnificent oak tree was my subject.
I have had trees on my mind lately.
I have been trying to decide what kind of
Christmas tree to have this year. What type of decorations to use. So much to do...

Friday, November 30, 2012

Digital Photograph - Barn Door

Barn Door

I can not believe how quickly this week
has gone by. I finally have two rooms completely
cleared of boxes. I have set
a time table to have everything out of
storage and in the house. I am frantically
clearing space and going through boxes to
make room for the last storage unit's
contents. It will feel good to have every
thing in one place after three years.

My studio space is under construction. I
have changed my mind three times about
the set up and use. I think this time
I have figured it out. I have an art
supply area, a wet area for painting and
dying, a sewing area, and my work table
finally set up. Then I have a workshop
with all my tools, dremels, saws, etc.
As always there is a darkroom area.
It is so much more space than I had
before. I have been overwhelmed by the
space. I am hoping to put a huge dent in
it all this weekend. I would like to
see an end to the boxes. I would even
like to actually do something creative
in the near future.

Enough moaning from me. I loved this
picture of the barn doors. It looks
like a very frustrated farmer got into
this barn. Either he hit it with his
tractor or he ripped the door trying
to get in or out? I am sure there is
a good story here. Hope everyone has a
good weekend. Are you putting up your

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tin Type Ancestors - Freebies

Sisters. They are sitting so still and straight. I love the younger one's plaid dress and necklace. They seem wise beyond their years in this photograph.
I love Mom's gloves and the little girls doll. Notice that the little girl is wearing gloves also. They must have been pretty well off.
These look like happy kids. Beautiful clothes. I wonder what they are reading?
The little girl looks just like her mother. Hopefully she will stay sweet. Mom looks a little stern or maybe she just bit into something rather bitter.
I wonder what Mom had to say to keep everyone so still for this picture.

Did everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend here in the states? I did. Lots of food and good company. I did not get to see all of my boys, but those I did share the holiday with we had lots of fun. My sister drove over from the Nashville area and spent a few nights. It was really nice.

It got me thinking about family an ancestors. This week I am sharing some tin types. These photographs are literally developed onto metal - tin. They were quite popular and most important affordable. I hope you enjoy them.

Digital Photograph - Burrs

It was a long weekend for some. I talked to several people the past day or so who said they had had too much togetherness. Things got a little prickly at times. I had to sort of chuckle because isn't that what family does. They sort of get in your face every once in awhile. Only family can turn you into that 5 or 6 year old again. Just when you think you have grown up - oops you are reminded what a kid you still are. 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Greetings - Freebies

I thought these cheery
Thanksgivings Greetings would be fun for this
weeks Freebies. I hope everyone has
a wonderful Thanksgiving and a
fun filled weekend!

Digital Photographs - Sweet Potatoes

Sweet Potatoes

Is everyone getting ready for the big
feast? Turkey, Ham, Lasagna [I have a good Italian friend and this is what her
family gives thanks with], Steaks,
Vegetarian fare? Whatever you are cooking
I hope it is wonderful.

Here at my house
we are going totally Traditional.
Turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes,
cranberry sauce, broccoli, asparagus
with Hollandaise sauce, squash and wild
rice casserole, butternut squash and
apples, pies for dessert. Yum.
This of course means standing at
the kitchen sink doing endless dishes,
standing over a hot stove for hours
cooking, wonderful smells. I cannot
wait. The shopping is finished, I
only forgot one thing. So till after
it is all done and consumed...
enjoy the day!

Digital Photograph - The Old Grey Barn

The Old Grey Barn

I have been in love with this barn for years. I first spotted this barn on a
trip with my boys in the mountains when
they were still playing Cowboy and Indians
or soldiers battling aliens. Through the years I have watched it grow older
and grey. Always holding on to its charm.
One day soon I will drive by and it
will be gone.

The state of North Carolina has now
bought it and plans to tear it down and
build some important building in its
place. Another thing from the past about
to become a memory. Holding on to
memories is important I have found the
older I get. The secret is holding on
to the good ones and being able to
make new ones.

I took a few minutes the last time
I was in town to stop and take
a few pictures. I figured it was time
to get up close and personal. I wish
I could salvalge a part of it. The
stories it could tell...


Digital Photograph - Hinge


There is just something about a rusty,
cracked paint object that fills my
heart with love. The patina of age
speaks loudly to me. This hinge
holding up a door spoke of all the
people an animals that have graced
it's threshold. Memories made.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Speaking of Trees - Digital Photograph

The Towering Oak

I love winter when all the trees have
shed their leaves. Seeing the "bare bones"
of the trees is so impressive. This is
one of my favorite trees along the
Blue Ridge Parkway. All year round it
provides shelter and shade. It always
makes me feel happy when I see it.


Digital Photograph - Christmas Tree farm

Christmas Tree Farm

While I was in the mountains last
weekend one of the things I noticed
was that they had started cutting the
Christmas trees. Pickup trucks and cargo
trucks were full to the brim. I was
amazed at how many I saw. They cut, bag,
and tag the trees. Then put them in a
smaller truck to get them to the
main shipping areas near a main road.
Here the trees are put in big trucks
to ship to stores, churches, tree lots,
etc. Most of them end of states away.

It is big business here in the mountains.
Our trees have often been picked to be a
National Christmas tree or a Rockefeller
Center tree. We grow them beautiful here.
This is a picture of one of the tree
farms I regularly pass on the way to see
a couple of my boys. I think it is so
pretty. Tree farms are hard work, but you
would never guess it by this photograph.
This year I am going to pick and cut
my tree for the first time in a long time.
I can not wait. I love the smell of a
fresh tree in the house. Yum. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Some Thanksgiving Freebies for You



Every year I like to make place cards for the
table. I use old antique postcards that I have scanned, copied and written names on.
This year I will be having several vegetarians at my table so I thought I might use something that did not have Turkey all
over it.
I found these in my Thanksgiving collection.
Who knew there were so many corn postcards
celebrating Thanksgiving? They seemed perfect
for my guests. I thought I would share them
with you. If you are hunting for Turkey ones - last years freebies would probably do the trick. Now I just have to worry about getting my tables cleared off!
{if you click on the label at the end of this post it will take you to last years freebies}

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Thank A Veteran!

Thank You for my Freedom!

In all honesty I have been dreading
today. I took a long drive through
the mountains, ate lunch with three
of my boys. Then a long drive through
the mountains home. On the way home I
pulled over to an overlook and there
were those purple mountains we sing
about in our National Anthem.
I found myself admittiing to myself
how much I am missing my favorite
Veteran - my Father. At the same
time so thankful that he shared his
stories with us. He made me realize
this thing called Freedom is a gift.

Daddy helped me see what it means to be
a Veteran. How much, so many people
and their loved ones sacrificed
for me and mine and you and yours.
So, on a beautiful Sunday I could look
out over the Blue Ridge Mountains,
drive in my own car filled with gas,
to eat a fabulous meal with loved
ones and then drive home on smooth
well kept roads. Only here in America.
Thank you so much all of you who
have served and are still serving
this wonderful country we live in.
I miss you Daddy.

Digital Photograph - The Tracks

The Tracks

Hope everyone is having a great
weekend. I am traveling this weekend,
taking pictures and visiting those I love.
It is gorgeous here in the Mountains.
I have been awed. The colors of the trees.
The colors of the mountains. The sun
streaming through the trees. It is
as if I am caught inside a jewel. I am
not sure I can catch all this beauty
with my camera. Enjoy the day!

Journal Book Giveaway on Susie's Blog

Journaling Book

Wonderful, positive, creative Susie LaFond
is giving away Jenny Doh's new Journaling
book on her Blog - My life one bit at a time. Along with the book she is including
a pack of journal goodies and one of her
own beautiful blank journals. Her blank journals are one of my favorites! Beautifully made and quite inspiring.
So hop over to Susie's blog and sign up for her wonderful giveaway. Her blog is quite special also.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Digital Phtotgraph - Brown Barn

Brown Barn
Spotted this barn in the valley
right before you get to
Tennessee in the Blue Ridge
Mountains. I love how it fits
right into the land.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Poster For Folkheart

Poster from Ohio

Yesterday Folkheart left me a
comment on my Suffragette photographs
that her grandmother was a
Sufferagette from Ohio. I
remembered I had this poster and
thought I should share in
honor of Folkheart's grandmother.
We often take for granted the
little things we have that
others fought so hard for. I do
hope you enjoy this poster.
Also, check out Folkheart's blog by
clicking on Folkheart. Another
girl enchanted by the Blue Ridge