Friday, January 30, 2009

Road Trip

Every once in awhile I just get a "bug a boo" that I want to go on a little road trip. One of those trips where your agenda is vague. You have at least one destination , several "I want to check this out" and I wonder where this might lead me ideas. A good traveling companion is also a must. It is important that whomever you travel with likes this kind of trip, meandering, frequent photo stops, trying new things.

I saw this car today on the way back from one of the islands. I had had an early morning workshop and was just tooling along thinking about whether to stop and get something to eat or just wait till I got home. On a lonely corner was this sweet old car. Of course I turned around to take some pictures.

The car is really just a shell of it's former days. As I walked around it the thing that kept coming to mind was that somebody once really loved this car. It took a family to church, to work, ran errands and on Sunday's after church and supper, probably took it's family on a little road trip. One of those road trips that I like. The meandering kind....I'm off.

Journal Page - Home

I realized after being home this month how much I really missed my Mom and Dad. I love this image of this girl and I thought I would play around with some image transfers. I took bristol board, painted several layers of acrylic paint, glaze, and ink. Then transfered my images. Stamped and added the girl. She reminds me no matter how far away you are, home is always with you, in your heart.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Background Paper - heart barn

This is some background paper I created using the barn picture as an overlay. I made around ten different styles then printed them out and made a small journal for February with them. I thought ya'll might enjoy a piece. Again this is for your personal use.

Photo a day - Red Heart Barn

Red Heart

This barn is not a North Carolina barn. You rarely see a red barn here, I think it is more of a northern thing. The sun is much more of a presence here. Just like fabric exposed to the sun, these red barns fade into a almost rust color here. Also, because of the heat most barns here are white or grey. So much cooler for the animals during the summer.
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Fruit Pizza

I am in the mood for something sweet and yummy. Something to remind me of summer. This is a easy recipe and you can make this ahead of time. I like to make this with my kids, it is healthy nibbling while you cook. If you are making this for an event - like the Super Bowl - be sure to tell everyone not to eat it. I once made this for a get together and my kids came home from school and ate most of it. When I asked them " Ahck what were you thinking?" They replied that my note had said "If not home when you get home, have a healthy snack and start on your homework. Fruit is a healthy snack." Don't you just love them?

1 package refrigerator sugar cookie dough
1 eight ounce package of cream cheese, softened
1 cup powdered sugar
3 tablespoons lemon juice
Combination of fresh and/or canned fruit, enough to cover pizza 1-2 inches high. You may choose 1 fruit [i.e strawberries] or combination [i.e. strawberries, blueberries, grapes, bananas, kiwi fruit, pineapple, peaches, and mandarin oranges]. If you choose 1 fruit you will need 3-4 cups, if you choose the combination you will need 1/2 to 3/4 cup each.

1 cup orange juice
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup hot water
3 tablespoons corn starch
1 cup sugar

^Cook and stir glaze ingredients until it boils for 30 seconds, then allow to cool.
^Slice cookie dough and spread over 12 inch pizza pan to cover the pan.
^Cook as directed on cookie dough package. About 450 degrees for 10-12 minutes. It will look like one giant golden brown cookie.
^Mix cream cheese, powdered sugar, and lemon juice. Beat until creamy.
^Spread cream cheese over cookie.
^Cut up fruit and arrange on top of pizza.
^Pour cooled glaze over fruit pizza.
^Refrigerate and serve when firm and thoroughly cooled.

If you serve this for Super bowl you can cut your pizza into a football shape and use the fruit to outline your football. Blueberries make good stitching for the ball.

Freebies # 16 - Birthday Greetings

Happy Birthday Denita!

In honor of one of my bestest girlfriend's birthday today. I decided to post these freebies for one and all. I hope you will pass them along to some one near and dear to you. I think they are so charming and everyone needs some flowers!

Birthday Cake for You

Check out this awesome cake by Kylie Lambert of Le cupcake. I love it. A work of art. It is one of my dearest friend's birthday today. Denita if you are reading this - this is the cake we should celebrate with.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quote - Family & Friends

Book Club

"Call it a clan,
call it a network,
call it a tribe,
call it a family.
Whatever you call it,
whoever you are,
you need one."

Photo a day - cotton barn

Found this barn between the Virginia and North Carolina border. It was surrounded by cotton. Yes, we still grow cotton here in the south. In fact, thanks to places like The Gap and Abercrombie & Finch, and America's need for organic, cotton has become a big crop here. Did you know that they can grow cotton in colors now, too?

Ham Delights - Planning Ahead

I love these, in fact I am a pig when it comes to these. I had a friend in Charlotte, North Carolina that made these and would bring them to every event, baby showers, football games, bridge, bunko.Everyone likes these and with Super bowl coming up they might just be the ticket for your game day festivities. So, here is Miss Cheryl's recipe.

2 1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
3 tablespoons regular yellow mustard
3 tablespoons poppy seeds
1 medium onion chopped very finely
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce
3/4 pound boiled ham, shredded
2/3 pound Swiss cheese, grated, or sliced
4 packages of Pepperidge Farm party rolls

Combine butter, mustard, poppy seeds, onions, and Worcestershire sauce.
Combine ham and swiss cheese separately.
Slice open party rolls. Spread both sides of roll with butter and mustard mixture.
Add ham and cheese.
Wrap stuffed rolls in aluminum foil. Store in refrigerator until ready to heat.
Bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees. Makes 72 rolls.
These are easy to make the night before. They also freeze very well. If you freeze them cook at 375 in foil for 30 minutes.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Background paper

I have been working on background papers for my journal. I decided to use my work sheets off my worktable, scan them and photoshop them to size, then copy to disc. When I have enough I am taking them to the printers to have them print them all out. At 29 cents or less it is much more cost effective than printing them at home. Here is one for ya'll to use as a background for something. Enjoy!

Friday, January 23, 2009

A hint of things to come....

The photo below is a small hint of the series I am going to do next week. I don't know where all you live but farms and barns seem to be on the decline here. Particularly the tobacco barns we are so noted for here in North Carolina. So, please check back and see the barns next week. The barn below is a hog dressing barn. I love the rusted old roof.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Journal Page - Defining Words

This is my Defining Word page for my Soul Journal group. The prompt was to believe in yourself, imagine only good for yourself, visualize what you want. Then take a magazine or two and search through it, not focusing on the images but on the words that jump out at you. Tear them out and glue them down to your journal page.

I used one of my pre- painted journal pages that I really didn't like to glue the words down on. I knew most of the page would be covered with words, sayings, and doodling so it seemed like a good way to recycle bad art. I often tear out words and images and throw them in separate boxes to use for journaling and for my glue books. It is something to do when I am watching a movie or a TV show. It is much easier than having a bunch of magazines hanging around. The other benefit is that when I am in the mood to glue I have materials all cut out and ready to go. Oops I am getting off track.

After I laid out the words and thoughts, I used gel medium to glue them down. I used sharpie paint pens to doodle on the page. This was sort of an eye opener when I was finished, to read it all put together. It was nice to reaffirm some of the things that have been swirling around since before the new year.

Quote - Fashion

"Fashion is Architecture: it is a matter of proportions."
Coco Chanel

Freebies #16 - Fashion

I thought these might be interesting as freebies this week. With all the balls and parties in Washington D.C. celebrating the inauguration, fashion is a big deal. We will all be watching what the sweet little Obama girl's and their mother - Michelle is wearing. Fashion has come back to the White House. I am thinking Michelle Obama will be right up there with Jackie Kennedy. It is going to be so much fun to watch.

Tip in Pages - Sandee

Front of house.

Back of house.

What to do when the snow is falling and it is cold outside? Make spaghetti and work on art commitments of course. This is my tip in page for this month. My partner - Sandee - chose house pages. I know she likes Zetti so I decided to use some of Teesha Moore's Zetti girls and go from there. A few door photographs and everything else just fell together. I hope she likes it.

Super Bowl Fixin's - Savory Steak Slices

Yes, January is just a party month this year. Just as we get all the Christmas decorations put away, celebrate the inauguration, it is time to start planning for the Super bowl [only ten more days till kickoff]. This is one of those recipes that serves a lot of people, tastes great, and you feel like you are serving something substantial. It is also something you can fix ahead of time so you are not rushing around in between quarters to get ready for the half time meal. Serve this with potato salad, baked beans, and some hot rolls.

1 1/2 pound flank steak
1/3 cup soy sauce
1/3 cup dark rum
2 tablespoons olive oil
watercress sprigs - garnish

Trim excess fat from steak wipe steak off with towel.
Combine soy sauce and rum in shallow dish and place the steak in mixture.
Refrigerate, covered turning steak occasionally for 24 hours.
Remove steak from mixture and brush lightly with oil.
Place steak on broiling pan and broil around 6 inches from heat, 1 minute on each side, then 5 minutes more on each side or until medium rare.
Let cool, occasionally brushing with pan juices.
Use immediately or refrigerate, covered until ready to use.
To serve, cut steak into thin slices on the diagonal. Arrange on serving platter with watercress sprigs as garnish. Set bread or rolls in basket nearby. Serves 15. Yum.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It Snowed!

I woke up yesterday to snow. Big thick slushy snow. I know to most of you that is a normal sight for January. Here it is not. This is the first time I have ever seen snow at the beach. Our average temperature is somewhere in the sixties. So today all the schools are closed, most of the stores closed at noon, and excitement is in the air.

I thought I would share this little guy I found at the shelter by the pier on my walk today. I love how they used parts of shells for his mouth an eyes.

Quote - Snow

When snow falls,
nature listens.

Snow Day

Surfers surfing at the beach. Yes it is freezing out.

A cold, snowy day at the pier.

Snow blowing around the dunes.

Snow along the Intercoastal Waterway.

Palm trees and snow.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Getting Ready for the Big Day

Last week was sort of a strange time to be in Washington DC. Everyone was all a flutter about the upcoming events. Lots of traffic talk and directions on where to go, where not to go, what would be open and what would not. Very interesting. On Friday afternoon I decided to head into DC as everyone was leaving and have a looksy. Here are some of the photos I took. Most are along the Mall where most of the activities will be taking place. Today there will be thousands of people there.

The Capitol all dressed up for the big ceremony. I had to climb up to get this shot. The fences and potties block the view of everything. I am thinking - home - warm - big screen TV. Sounds good to me. As much as this is truly a historic day. I am all right with staying home to be a part of it.

This is the Capitol all dolled up. Sort of hard to see with the double fencing around the whole thing. After years of marches and demonstrations the city and parks people really have it down. The set up all these fences, to keep people off the grass that is around the public, government, and museum buildings. The fences run from the road to the side walk. Then from the other side of the sidewalk to the building. It is like a long cattle shoot. On the Mall side the fences run along the road with an occasional break to get in and out on to the road. The parks people learned along time ago - 60's and 70's what damage alot of people did to the trees, shrubs, flowers, and grass. Now they just reseed the mall every so often. Cost the tax payers alot less this way.

Although these say you can park after a certain time there is no parking. All of the metered parking along Constitution an Independence Avenue was close. Lucky for me. That made taking pictures and talking to whom ever was around easy.

These are just some of the news trucks that were setting up. The two roads along the mall run East and West, from the Capitol to the reflecting ponds, around the Washington Monument. Either side was nothing but news trucks and their satellites for broadcasting. I saw CNN, Fox news and even a small van from Oklahoma. You have never seen so many cables in your whole life. Across from the news vans are the rows of potties lining the Mall. That ought to be interesting after a few days.

I stood on the middle of the street to take this picture. As you can see it is hard to see anything but the potties. You can also see some of the fencing that lines ALL of the streets in this section of Washington DC.

This is just one of the many movie screen trucks and the towers they were building. They let them start on Friday. They said they would be up all night working. Again, these line the cross streets going North and South along the Mall.

Looking from the Capitol toward the Washington Monument. The movie people are setting up these huge metal towers - boom things. On them are speakers, cameras, and some have TV's. They will have the whole length of the Mall to the Capitol. They were very nice and let me climb up and take pictures. Everything at eye level has the metal fences in it. Also of you look real hard you can see where the security people will be on top of the castle and every other building along the mall. They were securing rooftops when I was there Friday afternoon.

The pink Castle almost hidden by the row of potties. I cannot impress upon ya'll how many of these line the Mall. It is almost impossible to see across the Mall or the buildings along it. I am wondering how people will see anything. Thank goodness they are going to have big screens on the Mall so people can see.

Statue of James Smithson - whom the Smithsonian was founded by and named for- looking out over the mall at the Pink Castle. Note the big boom that is being constructed on the Mall.

The Jefferson Memorial - one of my favorites - is surrounded by fences. It is scheduled for some heavy duty renovations. No events were planned for here. I did not see the sea of potties that I saw everywhere else here either. A place of calm in a sea of chaos.

These are the tents that you see set up around all the buildings where stuff is going on. These are near the Lincoln Memorial. They are set up for the musicians who are gave the concert on Saturday night. I took these Friday afternoon. All of the instruments were being dropped off and checked before hand by security. I saw some of the orchestra and a couple of roadies getting equipment checked out when I stopped to talk to the guards. After the concert, the tents will be used for information, first aid, and more staging. There were more by the Hirshhorn Gallery - a big White Tie thing going on there Friday night. It had a totally white theme. Everything was beautiful.

View of the Washington Monument and the reflecting pool as you come in from the Potomac River. Note the blue potties. They are everywhere. Lining the streets around all the monuments. I am sure glad I don't have to pick them up after this event is over.

So this is my little mini tour around the Mall. I have some more pictures of art stuff that I will blog about tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed the sights, have a safe trip home.

Going Home

Last week I went home for the first time in a long time to see my Mom and Dad, brother, nephews, etc... After breaking my foot travel was not an option. Now that I am finally starting to feel like my old self I needed to go home. It is a haul from the beach to the Nation's Capitol. I start to feel close when I get to Quantico. Itchy when I turn on to the George Washington Parkway, elated when the Potomac River and the Washington Monument come into view. I never get tired of seeing this city.

We brought the cold weather with us. It was frightfully cold. Colder than I have been in quite awhile. Brrr. The good news was the skies were clear and the sky was beautiful. It is so good to see everyone. Talk to my folks, eat my Mom's, antique, sightseeing... This is the bridge to Roosevelt Island. I like to walk there when I go home. When my boys were little my Dad an I would take them there to run off energy. Doesn't the river look cold with all the ice in it? The next morning it was almost all frozen.