Here is my entry for the Three Muses Challenge. It is to have stripes and be Zetti. Thank goodness for all of Teesha Moore's Zetti images. I have used a wide array of them in this collage. The bird is from an antique print. The background is various inks and paints on watercolor paper. It is postcard size and will probably be sent to a very good blog friend to decorate her new guest room- studio, till her beautiful new studio is finished being built.
This is more than Zlightly Zetti -it's Ztupendously Zetti!!
I love this piece!! Fabulously Zeti!!
This is totally gorgeous,love it!!
wow, this is absolutely fab...just luv it
joan in italy
Great combination of images and color!
Your work is oustanding, Elizabeth!!! What a unique style you have.I love it!!!!
marvellous zetti piece!!
FABulous ZeTti, Elizabeth! Yummy colors too! LOVE this piece. Hugs, Terri xoxo
Ooooooooh I LOVE ZETTI. Could this be headed my way? I know I would treasure it if it was. I'm just saying...........:)Bea
Elizabeth, this is superb! I love all the little detail, and the background is scrumptious. Tell me, when you send your work as a postcard, do you stamp and send as is, or do you put it in an envelope, in which case it's no longer a postcard, but safe and secure. I've had mixed experiences with postcards, and I just wondered. Thanks for sharing your talent!
OH I really love the way you worked the black and whites into this piece. Just lovely.
Wow! You have really captured the Zetti style. This is an amazing piece. I love it!!
Thanks for joining in the challenge so spectacularly.
What a beautiful creation Elizabeth and what a lucky friend! ;)
You did a fabulous job with this! I especially like the bird.
What a great piece o work!
I do not remember how I found your blog but I'm so gald I did, "maybe"
so far I have looked at 5 months of your stuff and I "LOVED IT ALL" your work is truly an inspiration.
Now I'm off to go read the other months I missed. BE BLESSED
This is really stupendous. Love the big bird background contrasted with the little zetti people foreground. Great!!
Oh wow, how I love this!! what a gorgeous composition and the colours and images are super!! Brilliant and beautiful zetti art!!
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