The theme this week for the Three Muses Challenge was bottles. I love old bottles and regularly go to the dump spot on the river to dig for them. I use large bottles to put bits and pieces of things in so they are easy to see in my studio. I also have a large collection of sand from all the beaches I have traveled to. They look so pretty in their little bottles.
This week I thought it would be appropriate to use the Mason canning jars I lust after as fairy jars. Here are my small collection of fairies. Long summer nights chasing fireflies and early mornings are the best time to look for fairies I hear.
These are fabulous Elizabeth and they look surprisingly happy in their carefully labeled jars too!
such a wonderful contribution! i wish i could wake up earlier to meet the fairies;)
I hope everyone takes time to enlarge your entry, Elizabeth, amazing collection of 'fairy bottles' & I loved reading where you 'found' your little friends! Brilliant idea!
Love your fairy piece! But isn't it sad to put them into bottles? :)
We share many memories! Catching fireflies was part of childhood where I came from, and meal preparation usually meant a trip to the storm cellar to get a Ball jar of something or other mother had canned from her garden! I love your idea of the sand collected! I can visualize your memory jars!
Oh wow´this is fantastic. Wonderful creation. Lovely.
Your fairy jars are fantastic, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth this piece is just enchanting!!! The jars and fairies are beautiful and I love the typed specimen labels you have added to each one. They make me want to peek in the rose bushes:)
Love, Jamie
I am so intrigued by the idea of a bottle tree and now Bev as told the story I love it.
Your 'fairy' jars are gorgeous Elizabeth, but I hope you let them out now and again for a little 'play' time. Great stuff.
Love your bottled fairies Elisabeth. When I first saw them I thought they must be digital, but reading your post I now think they are "real"? Wonderful!!
Very beautiful work!!
fairies in jars, I love it! I,m also a collector of all kinds of glass jars and bottles to have things like pearls and buttoms in them, ... I wonder how i can put some fairies in them
Love your fairy collection!! and what a sweet idea to collect sand from the beaches you visit :)
Oooooooh, how wonderful! And they look soooo happy too! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Your fairy altered bottles are fantastic, Elizabeth! Gorgeous work !
I love your entry, Elizabeth, and enjoyed the accompanying story. We share many memories. Catching fireflies was part of my childhood. And, meal prepration usually meant a trip to the storm cellar where there were rows of Ball jars of canned bounty from my mother's garden. Regarding the bottle tree, I wonder if the spirits fly into the bottles of any color other than blue?! To me, the best part of our challenge blog is the sharing of stories! So glad you come along.
I could see just a tiny little picture next to your blog title, on my blog list. I said to myself, gee those look like little fairies caught in jars, just like what I was dreaming about the other night.
Imagine my surprise when I clicked on your wonderful picture.
If I send you a list of my other dreams could you paint them please. It makes it ever so much easier for me to understand them. :)
what cute fairies!!! these are wonderful.....lovely colours too!!!
i have watched movies, that are set in the south, and been amazed at the bottle trees. there's one in particular that i'm thinking about where the bottles were all blue and whoopie goldberg was a supernatural but the title of the movie escapes me right now. anyway, i LOVE your fairy jars. they are so pretty and the fairies look so comfortable in their surroundings!!
Gorgeous little fairies in their glass house!
I want a fairy in a jar!!! I'd let her out to fly & play during the day, but at night when all is dark & still, she would return to her jar for a peaceful nights rest & be my night light so I wouldn't be afraid of the dark. I'll keep looking for my fairy & until then, I'll be happy with a firefly!;)
That's a fab little trio of jars!
Wonderful bottles, Elizabeth! And thank you for the tip - I'll certainly be looking for fairies next summer!
My imagination is alive after seeing these fairies in gorgeously coloured mason jars. I can just picture capturing one of them while out hunting fireflies one warm summer night. It's lovely to slip into fantasy in the middle of the day!
This is just too enchanting! I love the fairies and I love the Mason jars! A beautiful piece of artwork!
The little fairy collection looks wonderful.
Apparently the tooth fairy keeps waking my son up to enquire why he hasn't lost any teeth yet!
Lovely creation!
Memory jars - what a fabulous idea. Thanks so much for your story which I thoroughly enjoyed. Thanks also for your most beautiful fairies in jars. An inspired choice for this week's theme and I love it.
Beautifully done Elizabeth! The only place I've ever seen fireflies was in the woods in Germany when we lived there for a couple of years. Never saw any pretty fairies though...
Elizabeth, your piece is beyond fabulous! I can't say enough about it except "Bravo!" LynnF
Those are very cool.
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