Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Little Pink for You...

The state flower of Virginia - The Dogwood. Here is the pink version. Remember in the movie "American President" with Michael Douglas and Annette Benning , the president tries to give her the state flower of Virginia and there is a great debate about whether it is a flower or a tree. Well, it is both.

Driving through the suburbs of Northern Virginia it is a riot of pink. Pink trees in the neighborhood. Here is a sample of pictures from a couple of Cherry tree. Pink Dogwoods. It is glorious to see. Enjoy!


Janet Ghio said...

The state tree of Missouri is the dogwood. But we have white dogwoods here.

Dragonlady said...

I am NC native but living in Florida now, I so miss seeing the lovely dogwoods...Thanks for pictures of the beautiful pink version....

aimee said...

so pretty! i do remember that movie and i liked it :)