I think she is checking the Tom turkey to see if he is plump enough. I guess we are going to have to start thinking turkey pretty soon. Yum, and pies...

A day at the races or is it just a day of amusement. Give yourself and your special someone a day...just for the two of you this month. It might surprise you both.

November is the month that family and friends start to visit. So, clean up the public rooms in your house and buy something special even if it is just a few candles to set the mood. Remember everything does not have to be perfect and ask for help.

Games are in the air. Football season is upon us like a Mack truck. This is the time to get out the crock pot and make a few soups or a hearty stew. You can get in some art time while they dose in front of the game.

Here are this months magazine covers. I am really enjoying using them in my journal. The graphics are so wonderful. They remind me that less is more sometimes. November brings us an extra hour, cooler weather, warmer clothes, and wonderful meals with friends and family.
Elizabeth, thank you for these wonderful covers! Amazing to think that they were created such a long time ago, yet the graphics are very contemporary - crisp, clean and colorful. Happy November, and thanks again! Hugs, Terri xoxo
Thanks Elizabeth - these are great!
Thankyou so much for sharing these with us. They're really great. I've just started a journal class with Kelly Kilmer, and I'll use those as centerpieces with your permission. That will add a certain 'cache"... ;-)) Sox
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