Yesterday afternoon I decided to brave the storm [ tropical storm Ida] and get out of the house and check out the beach. It has been raining constantly for a day and a half with more rain predicted. It is a steady and at times hard rain. Lots of wind yet it is warm. All of the street lights are on because it is so dark.
I decided to go to the middle of the island to the big heavy duty pier. It was just me, the sea gulls and the surfers. The noise was incredible, the rain, waves, and sea gulls filled the air. It was windy but not a cold wind. I took a lot of pictures and thought I would share a few with all of you. I was dripping wet by the time I left. My car keys got so wet in my pocket that the automatic opener for my car would not work. I have never experienced this kind of storm in November.

The wave action was so violent that it was stunning the small fish. The sea gulls were in a feeding frenzy, diving, and screaming as they snatched the fish all up.

A couple of surfers were making this little shrine when I got to the beach. There were probably twenty or so surfers out in the ocean. After about 50 yards they were all most impossible to see.

Wave action at the pier. It is low tide yet the waves a starting to lick the top of the underside of the pier. By the time I left an hour later the waves were crashing the length of the pier. Note the lights on at the pier.
I guess everybody was lucky that it was just a tropical storm. It looks nasty. I love the ocean but not when it's angry. :)Bea
Nothing is as frightening as an "angry ocean". Thanks for sharing these pictures. I LOVE the ocean, no matter the mood. Hugs, Terri xoxo
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