Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Taking Photographs

Every once in awhile you come across something that just says it all, or captures a place in time. I believe that is why I lug my camera around with me everywhere. If I have to wait I can take pictures. There is always something out there that is interesting.

About a year ago I started taking little two hour early morning jaunts downtown or to the river. Nothing but vender's making deliveries at that hour and people walking their dogs before work. I found I could find all sorts of doors and windows, etc... that I love unobscured and take my time getting as many shots as I liked without anyone interfering. I also discovered all sorts of thing I never noticed before. Old anchors washed ashore and growing into trees, a women's hospital turned into condo's, Egyptian architecture...

I am not a great photographer, but I do know what speaks to me. Sometimes I get the shot sometimes I don't. A good friend who is a photographer and I often lament that it takes about a hundred shots to get a few good ones. Ahh but when you get one, it feels good.

The faith door is one of those. It was at the end of my shooting time and I cut through this small street with just a few businesses on it, a small block. It obviously was one of those streets that you would find a few people with their beverages in paper bags talking about the comings and goings over in the neighborhood. And there was this door. Broken glass and discarded bags and bottles on the sidewalk and in the bushes. Yet someone had reached out with this message.

I am hoping after this historical election night, that all Americans will reach out and help each other. That we will all find the faith we need and make this country great and provide the clean energy, education, health care, and jobs we all need to sustain our families. That no matter who we voted for we will realize that we are united under one nation and the nation has spoken. That is what the faith door brings to mind when I see it. I got the shot.

[So that is about as political as I get. Growing up with a diplomat/PR guy and lawyer as a Dad I have learned to never tell who you voted for.]


Diane said...

A historic day it was! I am still reeling.

Beth said...

Elizabeth, all I can say is very well spoken! We are all united under one nation and faith is what it's all about! Hugs, Beth W.

Unknown said...

Well said .... and it's a beautiful photo.
I grew up in a family where you always say who you voted for and you say it with pride :)