It seems like forever since I have posted. Lots of things going on. I love August but it is long. It is like you have to fit in everything you thought you were going to do in the beginning of summer into one month. I am home! yeah! doing loads of wash. Towels, sheets, blankets, clothes.... In between loads and folding I am going through a week of emails, answering emails, and trying to get some new things up on my blog. Plus waiting for coats of paint to dry for some backgrounds I am doing. Whew...
I had unexpected company this week. A friend going through some hard times who just wanted to play. She helped me get ready for the storm, then we played some more. Took a couple of day trips and took a lot of walks on the beach. Unfortunately, it is hard to post with all of that going on. I have lots of pictures though and I did get a couple of arty things done. So, today is my blog day and lets see what all I can get up for you. I missed you all.
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