Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Collage Sheet Freebie - Maude Fealy - The Theatre

After much travel, friends and family it is always good to be home. I love to put on a good movie, put everything away, do the wash, catch up on my mail. I love to travel, but I love to come home.

I made this collage sheet using some postcard and magazine images. I am sure you have seen Maude Fealy's face in some art work. She was an American - Southern/from Memphis Tennessee - actress. She was quite the stage actress. Good friend of Cecile de Mille. Made several "silent" films, but never made it in the "talkies." One of those actresses that could not make the jump. However, she was a beauty! Hope you enjoy this collage sheet.


Jan said...

Oh my goodness - this is truly a beautiful collage sheet Elizabeth. Thank you so much for being so generous. Jan

Anonymous said...

LOVE the collage sheet!

Terri Kahrs said...

Maude certainly was a beautiful woman! I have several pics of her in my Silent Screen collection, and just adore her. Thank you so much for this gorgeous sheet! Hugs, Terri xoxo

TheresainMS said...

Thank you for sharing; it's lovely! Very generous of you and I appreciate it very much; have a great day!!

Susan Sager Brown said...

Thank you for sharing these images, what a striking woman.

Jen xo said...

thank you ...its lovely ..

Audrey said...

Thanx for this gorgeous freebie!!

bockel24 said...

lovely sheet, Elizabeth, thank you!

Catherine said...

What gorgeous images, Elizabeth! She was a beautiful woman - such penetrating eyes. Thank you for being so generous and for sharing these with all of us!

Max und Maria Hoefler said...

This sheet is lovely! Thank you for sharing. The resolution is better than many I've paid for!

Taluula said...

Wonderful sheet, thanks so much.