Artarazzi's Digital challenge this week was just that - a challenge. The image of the young woman was quite sweet with a very dark background. It almost looked like a negative. I decided to emphasize the dark. I had a fun time in photoshop playing with colors and learning how to turn negative images into positive images. Something I have not done a lot of. "Always" is my entry for this week.

I did this sort of Warhol thing with the original image. I first had thought I might change her color and then play with her. Instead, I did this small repetitive collage. It was sort of interesting. The photo has the tag "mum" on it so I am thinking it is really someone's mum who does the challenge. I thought they might like something interesting of their mum.

original image
Great job on the card, and I love the Warhol idea! ~Lori
Very cool. I'm trying to learn PE7 and really enjoyed seeing what you did with PS.
As always - I love your work Elizabeth. Sorry I haven't commented lately - have done lots of admiring though!!
Take care.
Happy Fourth of July!
Thanks for showing us all the different versions - all equally good. I'm impressed with how clear you made her look on the collage.
That's wonderful, I really love your Warhol type image repeats. Brilliant.
Elizabeth, this is amazing! i love your experimenting. Beautiful.
Gorgeous...absolutely gorgeous! LynnF
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